WASEDO is like M-1 Global.
You're an Inbreed
WASEDO is like M-1 Global.
You're an Inbreed
That is OUR F'n point you *********. ALL the superstars go to the UFC
Who goes to Strikeforce!????
Don't mind WASEDO everybody, he's a 14 - 15 yr. old kid in a country that finally got a computer and this is the result. I should've saved the pm's he sent me that were equal parts hilarious and pathetic. Little kid angst followed by an apology and a request to be "cool". GTFO loser.
Don't mind WASEDO everybody, he's a 14 - 15 yr. old kid in a country that finally got a computer and this is the result. I should've saved the pm's he sent me that were equal parts hilarious and pathetic. Little kid angst followed by an apology and a request to be "cool". GTFO loser.
Stop the joking, I'm in town lets watch the fights it would be cool, I'm down. If your going to the weigh ins LMK. I'll be there also. But Blondies is a nice spot. Come on Buddy.
Don't mind WASEDO everybody, he's a 14 - 15 yr. old kid in a country that finally got a computer and this is the result. I should've saved the pm's he sent me that were equal parts hilarious and pathetic. Little kid angst followed by an apology and a request to be "cool". GTFO loser.
LOL, the guy is asking me out on a date. Im afraid to think of the type of pm's that he will send me soon
NO. I have real friends who I don't consider to be *********s.
WASEDO is turning into a cyber stalker.
I thought he couldn't surpass his already legendary status of being a sad and pathetic loser but asking Nash out on a date tops that.
Like marty mcfly your chicken.
Your replys keep getting stupider. So was dumb. Try harder please. I like a good laugh.
I'm being cyberstalked too! oh noes...
Chicken about what?? I'm having a party with MY friends that will include lots of booze and food. Why would I go out to some bar with someone like you with no friends?
I'm being cyberstalked too! oh noes...
WASEDO is trip. Here you have a kid who pretends to be an expert of something that he obviously has zero clue about. A kid who resorts to name calling etc. whenever his opinion is challenged. A kid who thinks everyone is a "noob" or a "WWE fan" when they don't fall to their knees and pray to WASEDO's man-god Fedor. A kid who has no problem with using derogatory words towards people in this thread. A kid who threatens to leave and never come back.. yet always comes back.
And then to top it off, he ALWAYS does a 180 and plays the victim.
In one breath this ********* calls someone a "***" and in the next he's crying and saying "let's be civil".
Classic loser.