Why is Kimbo done?Dana didn`t give any reason why he is cutting him.I have a feeling this is what he waited for,after all the Kimbo hype on youtube and dana always said Kimbo wouldn`t stand a chance in ufc and he was right and probably damn proud of himself right now.
Actually Dana has been extremely supportive of Kimbo, and apologetic about what he had said about him previously.
And really, he has been highly unimpressive since to showed up in the UFC and has no where to go having lost to Mitrione. Kimbo is a likable guy but to old and not skilled enough for a career in the UFC.
The only thing that pissed off Dana White about Kimbo was the fact that he was main eventing EliteXC shows on CBS. And for guys like Dana White who've put in years trying to promote and legitimize MMA, to see a "YouTube backyard brawler" with minimal experience and minimal skill main-eventing an MMA show on national TV sucked. Because THAT'S not the guy you want representing MMA. Especially to new potential fans who know nothing of the sport.
As far as Kimbo getting cut.. there's a couple reasons why. He just fought a bottom-of-the-barrel HW in Matt Mitrione who was 1-0 going into that fight. And Mitrione dominated Kimbo. It wasn't even close. So what else can you do with him!? Who else can you match him up with if he can't compete with someone like Mitrione?
Also age/health is a factor. Kimbo has done a great job of learning and elevating (he's a much better fighter NOW then he was when he first started in EliteXC) but he's 36 yrs old. And he has two bad wheels (arthritis). Realistically.. most fighters are NOT Randy Couture. They don't fight into their mid 40's and compete like Randy. If they continue fighting like that.. they're usually losing and looking like crap. So time, age, health have all worked against Kimbo. I think it'd be different if dude was like in his early 20's and had solid legs.
I can see it now Fedor vs Kimbo. Its a win win for all: Kimbo gets paid,Strikeforce gets ratings, and Fedor gets another canned fighter.

will he get picked up by Strike Force, but then at the same time I was thinking does strike force even want him...
They do and they don't. Strikeforce HAD the option of picking up Kimbo's EliteXC contract before Slice went to the UFC (when Strikeforce picked up damn near everyone else's contract from EliteXC). They opted not to. The Reason: They weren't willing to pay Kimbo what he was making with EliteXC ($500,000 for his
loss to Seth Petruzelli, normally $150,000 to $175,000).
Strikeforce said if Kimbo wanted to renegotiate that, they would love for him to fight there. He decided to go to the UFC instead. Kimbo's reported salary was like $25,000 for his fight with Houston Alexander. Even with any undisclosed locker room bonus I guarantee he was not making EliteXC money in the UFC. And with the money Strikeforce is paying Fedor and Dan Henderson, guarantee Kimbo will not be offered or ever make EliteXC money there either. Probably on par with what the UFC was paying.