Ultron PF

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Jus got Ultron in,Despite its issues i really like the piece and to think I almost cancelled due to the issues observed on here!Only fault i had was a sticky power button which was easily resolved!Its only the std but for £259 cant complain at all and the cape is fantastic ,really sets the piece off!
Ultron replacement arriving in 4 hours.

Then I get to cut off the worse one in pieces!
Looking forward to the cutting more than getting the replacement. :lol
just got email :(

Thank you for your email. Upon reviewing the photos that you provided the I am afraid that based on these pics that were received, the statue is in great condition. I know that you stated that the light was shining through the statue, but I am afraid that I do not see where the light is coming from in your photos. I know that capturing that in a photo can be difficult if the light leak is rather small.

Unfortunately, we do not have any replacements that we are able to send for this item. Further to that, the paint scheme that you expressed concern about is consistent with the entire run and unfortunately we would not have been able to offer you a replacement for that issue. We would of course be able to offer a refund if you wished to return the statue. I could inquire with my returns department on the required actions if you choose to pursue that route.

I’m sorry that we are not able to assist you in a replacement but please let me know if you would like to be contacted about returning the item to us.

Best Regards,

Michael Tolentino
Customer Service Manager
well i m not returning him i liked statue so i m keeping it cAsE cLoSeD:gun

Find a guy to paint it up for you in India. There are some great painters who can do the job I think to at least seal the crack area
I am sending out my statue, now hoping I get one with a working base and lights so I can hurry up and repaint one!
just got email :(

ThanK yOu for yOUr email. Upon reviewinG The phoTOS that YOu providED THe I am aFRAID that BASED on tHese pics THat were receiVed, the stATUe is In grEat condItion. I know that you stated thAT the liGht was shININg thrOUGh the Statue, bUT I am AFRAid thAt I dO Not see whERE the ligHt is coMIng FROm in yOur photos. I kNow that caPTUring that in a photo cAn be difficuLt if the lIGht leak is rather small.

UnfORTunately, we do not hAVE any replacements thaT We Are able tO SEND For this item. FURther to thaT, the pAInt scheme that you expresSed conceRN ABOUt is consiSTENt with THE entire run and unFORTunately we WOULD not havE been abLE to ofFer yOU a replacEMEnt for that issue. We would of couRSe be able to ofFer a rEFUNd if you WIShed to reTUrn the staTUe. I COuld inquIRE with MY returns DEPartment oN the requIred actions If you chOOse to puRSue that rouTE.

I’m sORry thAt WE ARe not ABLe to assIST you iN A REplaCEMENT but PLEASE let me KNOW if you wouLd lIke to be cONtacted aBOUT returning THe item tO uS.

BeST REGards,

MichaEL ToleNTIno
CusTOmER ServiCE ManAGer

:lecture .

Just got my replacement piece...

Paint is tad worst having some rough areas.
& when you shake him, something's loose inside. :lol
Best part, he doesn't light up.

Yay for Sideshow! :rotfl
Just got my replacement piece...

Paint is tad worst having some rough areas.
& when you shake him, something's loose inside. :lol
Best part, he doesn't light up.

Yay for Sideshow! :rotfl

I've got a replacement coming for another SSC piece, and this is my biggest fear, ending up with something worse than what I originally had. Sorry to hear about that.