Ultron PF

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Before everybody gets their pitchforks & torches. If you check the pics of Ultron on SS' site, you can already see the over spray of orange paint & as mentioned all the pics have him lit up. So this is far from what happened with Rogue.
even at-list abdominal part they have to paint him like prototype even that is also missing :dunno......disappointed :(

Not sure if I'm keeping this... Looks kinda cheap in the vid.

Ok....what happened?
The paint looks way off!! I will be getting him next week and I just got a new camera for my B-day so I will be sure to take some pics of the EX.
Humm.... will let you all know what I think. I may have him repainted ASAP, but I really didnt want to spend more money on this one as the proto looked so darn good! :monkey2
Not again... Right now it seems that there is a big difference from proto to production statue. Looks like a toy.
The finish on this looks nothing like how it should. People will have to start canceling items like this or Sideshow are going to keep dropping the Ball. Pity as its a great sculpt and i was going to get him but after seeing the the latest pictures its an easy pass for me.
I had my charge delayed till Monday. I'm thinking about cancelling it.:monkey2

You lucky ^%$$@£!! Get out while you can! I wish I could, but the nasty thing has already shipped. Let's hope it falls under a courier van.

2 months into the new year and already suckered by Sideshow! :gah:
If it is so... I'd be absolutely disappointed! really want to call off the order by no choice
man i had such high hopes for this piece, not passing judgement until i have it in hand though but luckily its only 19$ for me to ship it back if i don't like it.
You lucky ^%$$@£!! Get out while you can! I wish I could, but the nasty thing has already shipped. Let's hope it falls under a courier van.

2 months into the new year and already suckered by Sideshow! :gah:

Lately I have requested for payment of charge a week after due to too many stuff coming out and I have cancelled items based on other postings. I might do that more often now.
Wow. I didn't order this but would have jumped all over it if the in hand pics would have looked good. I'm floored. I can't believe how bad the overspray looks on this. I hope that some of the pics from board members here look much better than what we have already seen. This will be a major pass for me if all of the Ultrons paint jobs are this bad. It's a damn shame because this is an AWESOME sculpt.