Uncharted 2:Among Thieves

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If anyone has picked up the new Prince of Persia - the same guy that does the voice of Drake does the Prince as well. It threw me for a loop - it was kinda weird hearing his voice. All I could think of was Drake while I was playing. :lol
The new PoP makes me pissed!! That was always one of those really challenging games like Ninja Gaiden and they more or less made it a Wii game cause you can't die!! WTF??!!
I just saw the Trailer and the Graphics are amazing sounds like there will be humor in it too
"Thats my blood, thats my blood, thats a lot of Blood.." "Oh Crap" :D
That is one short demo.....

How long is the actual game? I am going to get this, and heard its a Greatest Hits title, but have yet to find it that way!
No idea, I haven't played it yet. But I'm picking it up this weekend for sure though!!

We are on the same page; I mean, the demo was very impressive from a tech standpoint, but more importantly, the game does seem fun.

The demo had the best use of the motion sensor in the Ps3 controller to date - all other games I have played for it have a basic reload mechanic to it....so, I was happy with that apect too...

Get it, it's totally worth it! I've played it twice and I'm going for a third, you won't be let down.

I am off to find it at Gamestop tonight (once off work)!!!
This game will be beautiful. I hope it is in 1080p the only PS3 game I have in 1080p is MGS4 and it doesn't even take up the whole screen! Are all 1080p games like this?
This game will be beautiful. I hope it is in 1080p the only PS3 game I have in 1080p is MGS4 and it doesn't even take up the whole screen! Are all 1080p games like this?

That does not sound right at all, no. Do you have your settings all set on your tv?

Picked up Uncharted used for $36 at gamestop....played just the first level, and this is one of the nicest looking PS3 exclusive games to date....I am looking forward to playing this on my weekend!
^^^ Just you wait! There are some truly stunningly beautiful vista's/moments throughout this game. The first level looks kinda dark and drab in comparison!

It's not the longest of games - prob around 9 hours on Normal - but sooo much fun you'll want to get the trophies, many of which are no walk in the park.

The voice-acting and script are also spot-on. It's on a par with an Indiana Jones movie. Great humour.

Man, I want Uncharted 2!
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sounds like there's gonna be co-op
It'll be interesting to see how they work out that aspect into the game. Now that I think of it, there was someone with Drake pretty much the entire time in the first one. Maybe you can control Sullivan and the new chick.
It'll be interesting to see how they work out that aspect into the game. Now that I think of it, there was someone with Drake pretty much the entire time in the first one. Maybe you can control Sullivan and the new chick.

I have a special place in my heart for Sully, the ol' *******! :D