Uncharted: The Movie (Now without a director, officially)

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Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

Nathan Fillion would be awesome as Drake. I really hope that they'll pick him *crosses fingers*
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

I've never seen anything with Fillion that I liked besides "Slither", but I think he'd make a good Drake.

Just hopefully the director can force some decent acting outta him.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

I've never seen anything with Fillion that I liked besides "Slither", but I think he'd make a good Drake.

Just hopefully the director can force some decent acting outta him.

Go watch Firefly. Right now.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

Go watch Firefly. Right now.

I have.

It was decent (I know that's sacrilege on these boards, but I yam who I yam), but I'm not a fan of the show.

I worry about Fillion's age at this point. I thought Prison Break was gay and RE: Afterlife was an abortion, but Wentworth Miller has the look for Drake.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

Really? I don't think Wentworth Miller looks a thing like Nathan Drake. :dunno
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

Fillion is one of the greatest actors alive.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

Fillion is one of the greatest actors alive.

:lecture This be true. He needs to get in shape, but his age doesn't really bother me that much. He's only 37/38 so it's not entirely un-believeable. Mark Wahlberg is about the same age so if he was ever considered then age can't be a factor.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

And Doctor Horrible. That one is a must too.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

I have.

It was decent (I know that's sacrilege on these boards, but I yam who I yam), but I'm not a fan of the show.

I worry about Fillion's age at this point. I thought Prison Break was gay and RE: Afterlife was an abortion, but Wentworth Miller has the look for Drake.

Sorry I read your original post as "I have never seen Fillion in anything but Slither," my bad :peace Not everyone loves Firefly, just thought you should give it a chance if you hadn't yet.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

I didn't dislike Firefly to the extent of "what the ____ do people see in this?" (as with Buffy)...but it wasn't my cup of tea. Very close to being awesome, and Fillion was certainly the best thing they had going...but it just missed the mark for me.

A lot of my problem is with Whedon. I have a certain disdain for that guy.

Drake or not, he needs more roles. They need to send Matt Damon back to prehistoria and give Fillion all of his roles.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

The only problem is that Fillion is box-office poison. I think all of his movies have flopped terribly.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

A lot of my problem is with Whedon. I have a certain disdain for that guy.

Drake or not, he needs more roles. They need to send Matt Damon back to prehistoria and give Fillion all of his roles.

Yeah I can see how people may not like Whedon's movies. I wouldn't have a problem with Damon disappearing for a while if it meant Fillion would get his movies.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)


When we last heard about David O. Russell’s adaptation of the video game Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, it looked like Mark Wahlberg was set to play lead character Nathan Drake while Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci were being courted for a family dynamic storyline. Not so fast, says Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception video game director Justin Richmond. Richmond tells Joystiq “First of all, all that stuff was denied by David O. Russell. He actually called us up and was like, ‘I don’t know what these guys are talking about.’” They were talking about what O. Russell reportedly told the L.A. Times, when he said,

“This idea really turns me on that there’s a family that’s a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities … [a family] that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice…. We’ll have the family dynamic, which we’ve done in a couple of movies now. And then you take that and put it on the bigger, more muscular stage of an international action picture, but also put all the character stuff in it. That’s a really cool idea to me.”

It’s possible that O. Russell was just misquoted or that the project is at such an early stage, that he hasn’t decided on the story yet. However, during the press junket for The Fighter, Mark Wahlberg told MTV that they were talking to De Niro and Pesci to play Drake’s father and uncle, respectively. However, Wahlberg may not even be on board yet as Richmond also told Joystiq that the actor wasn’t yet signed on to the film. That keeps hope alive for Nathan Fillion, who launched a Twitter campaign to get the role (even if O. Russell only recently heard of the Castle and Firefly star).

Uncharted may not even be O. Russell’s as he’s also considering Old St. Louis and an adaptation of The Silver Linings Playbook. I wouldn’t be surprised if O. Russell ends up taking more time to play with Uncharted’s story since both Drake’s Fortune and the sequel, Among Thieves, are fairly light on narrative and keep the emphasis on action and a fun protagonist (as well they should since they’re trying to be games rather than interactive movies).
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

I didn't dislike Firefly to the extent of "what the ____ do people see in this?" (as with Buffy)...but it wasn't my cup of tea. Very close to being awesome, and Fillion was certainly the best thing they had going...but it just missed the mark for me.

A lot of my problem is with Whedon. I have a certain disdain for that guy.

Drake or not, he needs more roles. They need to send Matt Damon back to prehistoria and give Fillion all of his roles.

I think you have your Private Ryans mixed up. :lol Marky Mark is a mediocre actor at best, except when he's a douche from Bastin (the Departed) is when he excels. Captain Mal or fail. I mean they basically stole his likeness and swagger for Drake.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

Mark Wahlberg was awesome in The Figher, have you seen it?

And to the person who said Nathan Fillion was box office poison? Is he? I think he's just been in ____ty films. I don't think any of his films box office performances had anything to do with him being in them or not. The average person doesn't even know who he is...
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

And to the person who said Nathan Fillion was box office poison? Is he? I think he's just been in ____ty films. I don't think any of his films box office performances had anything to do with him being in them or not. The average person doesn't even know who he is...

That's not my point. He's been in good films and bad films both, but most of them (if not all) been bombs at the box office. The point I was trying to make that all the effort from Fillion fans to get him cast as Drake could be for naught because studios look for bankable names for big budget action movies like Uncharted would be. Execs look for stars that draw butts to seats.

I want him to be Nathan Drake, but I doubt all the twitter campaigns and internet petitions would do it. That's me being pessimistic.
Re: Uncharted: The Movie (Now with Mark Wahlberg, officially)

That's not my point. He's been in good films and bad films both, but most of them (if not all) been bombs at the box office. The point I was trying to make that all the effort from Fillion fans to get him cast as Drake could be for naught because studios look for bankable names for big budget action movies like Uncharted would be. Execs look for stars that draw butts to seats.

I want him to be Nathan Drake, but I doubt all the twitter campaigns and internet petitions would do it. That's me being pessimistic.

They never do and are a waste of time. Studios will do what they want and ruin any franchise they want!