Thats a lot of uncharted stuff.....
Amazing. Simply amazing. Honestly, I think this is the perfect time to jump onboard the Current-Gen Bandwagon. Arkham Knight, The Nathan Drake Collection, UC4, Fallout, Mad Max; so many amazing games are coming out.
I swear Amy Hennig and co must be fans of Firefly... I see so much in common with Nathan Drake and Malcolm Reynolds with their personalities and dialogue..
I only just bought a PS3 a year or so ago, & recently bought a copy of Uncharted 2 - dirt cheap.
I see some ribbing going on with the PS3 versions, is it a 'only the current gen is cool' thing, or am I just out of the loop?
From where I'm sitting, the PS3 stuff generally is pretty amazing. I've only just gotten back into gaming, after a very long hiatus. Actually really digging the PS1 again, going back & buying proper copies of all my faves (expensive).
Fair enough, thanks for the input. Although.. I would've thought the Sega Megadrive compared to PS1 is more like a VHS / DVD deal.
So.. is the first Uncharted game good folks? I keep hearing about the second game being great, but not much about the original. That said, I haven't checked out any reviews online or anything, so maybe I should do that as well.