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wow, i am not even the only person to not like alien as much. a couple of people agree as well

With all the crap opinions about movies contained in this thread, it's "Aliens > Alien" that gets pulled up? :dunno :lol
Twilight is not the worst movie I've sat through.

I like shaky cam fight scenes.

I don't like House of Cards, Mad Men, or the Sopranos.

I don't get the love for Ghostbusters or Back to the Future.

Connery is my third favorite Bond.

I rewatch Congo every year.
Robocop 2014 was actually decent. Not better than the original but better than Robocop 2, 3, the TV show and the mini-series.
Oh! I turned American Psycho off and thought it was one of the most boring films I've tried watching. I also turned Alien off after getting to the chest burster scene.