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I don't think Cruise is under-rated, he just comes across as a prat to many people.

Not underrated as an actor or as a movie star. I'm talking about as an action hero, which is a term most people associate with Stallone, Arnold, Bruce Willis, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Keanu Reeves and nowadays, Jason Statham, The Rock...etc. All I'm saying is, that Cruise has just as many actions films as a lot of those guys, most of his actions films are just as good if not better in quality, he has been doing it for over 25 years, and is still on top making quality films that are financial successful, and on top of that, he does most of his stunts, which is something that most of the other action stars with the exception of Li, Jackie Chan, Stallone (kind of) don't do.
"urrggghh" Biting my lip...

It is the unpopular opinions thread, after all.

Perhaps thread title should be changed to Insane **** that just fell out of my mouth
Didn't know the Burbs was hated. That flick rocks.

The only time I wanted to be Corey Feldman was when I saw the Burbs, and mainly because I wanted to live in that street. :lol Also, The Goonies .

No love for The Rundown?

Walken was great as usual doing his Walken thing.

"I feel...like...a little boy who's lost his first tooth, put it under his pillow...WAITING...for the tooth fairy to come. ONLY two...evil burglar have crept in my window, and SNATCHED IT, before she could get here." :lol

I found Sean William Scott kind of annoying, and seeing Arnold in a cameo only reminded me of how much better the film would have been with Arnold in the lead role...or in a supporting role. The Rock's best role is still his wrestling character, imo.


I suppose it could apply to several people. ;). Nothing I'd let get under your skin though.

Just repeat after me...

Bill Murray is a comedy God!

That wasn't too hard, was it?

Just remember, thanks to that comedy God we're getting the reboot GB movie :lol
Agreed that Cruise is a fantastic action star. And I have to say I just like his films generally. Gangs of New York, love it. Falling Down as Michael Douglas's best, don't see why not.

Probably the only things on Clown's list that I disagree with are the one about Indy Last Crusade and Matrix VS BTTF. The rest I can't comment on or just have no particular comment. Out.
The only time I wanted to be Corey Feldman was when I saw the Burbs, and mainly because I wanted to live in that street. :lol Also, The Goonies .

Walken was great as usual doing his Walken thing.

"I feel...like...a little boy who's lost his first tooth, put it under his pillow...WAITING...for the tooth fairy to come. ONLY two...evil burglar have crept in my window, and SNATCHED IT, before she could get here." :lol

I found Sean William Scott was kind of annoying, and seeing Arnold in a cameo only reminded me of how much better the film would have been with Arnold in the lead role...or in a supporting role. The Rock's best character is still his wrestling character,

Just remember, thanks to that comedy God we're getting the reboot GB movie :lol

You can't blame him for not being in it if the script was no good, he has done enough bad movies, including GB2. I'm sickened enough that he is doing a cameo in the returding of GB.
Just remember, thanks to that comedy God we're getting the reboot GB movie :lol

I've been thinking about that. Murray (who I am a huge fan of) dragged his heals to the point of squashing every attempt at a third film. Then he jumps on board this thing, apparently because ha made that movie with Melissa Mcarthy.

It Is what it is, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bug me. His "indifferent" persona used to be charming.
I actually like The Last Crusade the most out of all the Indy films.
It's a toss up between Last Crusade and Raiders for me.

Last Crusade is the best third film in a series, ever!

Anyone who hasn't watched Falling Down should see it at least once. It's a story about a good director who loses his mind when he is handed the reigns of the Batman franchise.[emoji1]
I've been thinking about that. Murray (who I am a huge fan of) dragged his heals to the point of squashing every attempt at a third film. Then he jumps on board this thing, apparently because had made that movie with Melissa Mcarthy.

It Is what it is, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bug me. His "indifferent" persona used to be charming.

I think it was because of this.....

Sony's payout to Murray.

I actually like The Last Crusade the most out of all the Indy films.

I've been thinking about that. Murray (who I am a huge fan of) dragged his heals to the point of squashing every attempt at a third film. Then he jumps on board this thing, apparently because ha made that movie with Melissa Mcarthy.

It Is what it is, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bug me. His "indifferent" persona used to be charming.

After years of Murray self-professing he is lazy and only motivated by large dollar amounts (not sure how serious he was when he said it) and only rarely appearing in films, lately it seems like he is everywhere, albeit "everywhere" being in a lot of crappy movies. St. Vincent was his best recent movie, but nothing can forgive Aloha which was so horrible it made me skip Rock the Kasbah on the poor reviews alone. It makes me think that Murray might feel some regret in not working with Ramis one last time with GB3, that's just my own speculation though. I wonder what else is getting him out here again.