Whoops... I forgot to add another horror franchise to my list in #1, LOL.
Child's Play
3. Jaws is amazingly boring up until the final confrontation with the shark. But again, classic for a reason.
Agreed with #1 & #5. Maybe we're just cowards...
As for mine:
1) GoT doesn't deserve all the constant praise it gets. It's a good show, with interesting characters, good visuals, a good story and all that jazz, but take out all the HBO stuff, and it's not that great.
2) Black Sails was one of the best shows ever, ever. And nothing is comfier than the first season. Not even...
3) Suits is the comfiest show in the history of TV. It's nothing new, exciting or whatever, but you can always put it on and never feel especially dissapointed.
4) Rick & Morty sucks DOOM's balls. It's nothing more than Reddit-tier memes.
5) The Young Pope is one the best new shows. Apart from the gorgeous cinematography and depth of Lenny, Jude Law plays an awesome eccentric Pope.
That's all I can think of ATM.
So edgy. Very rebel.
LOL, people have actually called me a "contrarian" on other message boards because of my unpopular opinions. Yep, they're apparently that hard to believe.But I assure you all, what I've written here is 100% genuine my opinion.
I am so in agreement with you on Suits. Such an easy watch that IMO is one of the top drama TV series in a while.
3. Jaws is amazingly boring up until the final confrontation with the shark. But again, classic for a reason.
I will probably regret posting this as I've gotten a lot of s*** for my unpopular opinions in the past.
Remember, all of this is strictly my opinion - it doesn't mean I'm right. This is your last warning.
[1. The Halloween, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Friday the 13th, and Saw franchises are all weak and boring in terms of story/depth and can barely support their own weight. They're classics for a reason, but I don't understand the appeal at all.
2. Men in Black franchise > Star Wars franchise
3. Jaws is amazingly boring up until the final confrontation with the shark. But again, classic for a reason.
4. Ghostbusters II is an OK sequel.
5. MCU > DCEU (I guess that's not really unpopular, LOL)
As a side note pertaining to #1, I just don't understand the appeal of horror films in general. I can understand wanting some adrenaline rush, and I most certainly understand the appeal of monster films with great special effects (I.E., Aliens, Predator, Pumpkinhead, etc.), but films about generic slashers with knives, chainsaws, etc., literally bore me to tears.How do you enjoy a film if the goal of the film is to sicken and/or disturb the audience?
It makes zero sense to me, LOL.
To anyone who may scoff at what I've written:
I wasn't really impressed with Saw
I have to ask, how old are you buddy? These are opinions my little cousins in high school have. Im not saying that as an insult or as a joke or anything like that, younger people tend to hate these movies for similar reasons. Or maybe you just like action movies.
U wanted MORE gore????? Jeez