OK, here's the best I could do under the yellowish glow of my office lights. I tried a few with the flash on but they turned out awful. I'll try for a few more once I get him home and can play with the lighting.
My opinion of the Vader?
The Good: I asked for him to look Episode IV screen-accurate, right down to the scratches on the dome, obviously slopped paint job, etc. and Glenn nailed it. The helmet and dome are so much closer to the screen prop than Sideshow's it's disturbing. The shin guards with actual buckles in the back are a nice touch, and his height is definitely more in line with the rest of Sideshow's 1:6 line. I don't have any other Sideshow Star Wars figures in my office so I had to pose Vader next to Sean Connery for comparison's sake. The neck brace has actual metal spikes on it (was there a neck brace on the Episode IV costume? Hmm...) and the tusks are also real metal. Seeing as how the eye lenses are actually eye lenses and not red paint, they give the impression that there really could be something living behind them. The tailoring of the cape and body suit are top-notch.
The Bad: There's really only one thing that I think could be improved about Glenn's headsculpt and that's the way the dome rests on top the head. Maybe I'm wrong, Glenn is obviously the Vader Master, but I think the dome could rest further back on the helmet. By this I mean the front of the dome, where the 'V' is, should probably be closer to the helmet, toward the ridged section just above the nose. I pulled the dome off and tried moving it back, but there isn't enough playing room. Regardless, this is a minor gripe. See the last photo for an example of what I mean. Should the point (on the right side of the photo) be further to the left, closer to the helmet? Another thing I might yet futz with is the chest piece. On every Vader figure, it seems a bit too long. And I can't find many good reference photos from Episode IV online, but was it really silver and black in Episode IV? All the photos I find make it look to be one flat black color. Guess I'll be watching Episode IV tonight!
The Ugly: Glenn, are you a smoker? Not a problem - I'll air him out on the balcony tonight.
Anyways, here's the photos: