Vice Presidential Debate Tonight - Biden vs. Palin.... DING, DING, DING

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Here's another warning - personal attacks will not be allowed here.

On the Wright side:
Obama was raised by an atheist mother. I'd imagine that he realized he had to join a Christian church for political reasons and I'd bet that his wife brought him to that particular church.

Complete conjecture on my part of course, but he seems like too smart a guy to really get wrapped up in the whole religion thing at all, much less one that's a bit radical.

My parents forced me to go to church for 16 years, I can see someone humoring the spouse for 20 years too.

I agree this is likely what happened. An atheist President will never be elected. In any event, Obama is a Christian and I am in no place to judge his devoutness. Faith does play a large role in both his books.
On the Wright side:
Obama was raised by an atheist mother. I'd imagine that he realized he had to join a Christian church for political reasons and I'd bet that his wife brought him to that particular church.

Complete conjecture on my part of course, but he seems like too smart a guy to really get wrapped up in the whole religion thing at all, much less one that's a bit radical.

My parents forced me to go to church for 16 years, I can see someone humoring the spouse for 20 years too.
While I think you may be correct in your assessment of Obama's reasons for attending Wright's church, I'm not sure that the part I bolded above is the most tolerant way to express your opinion, wouldn't you agree? Faith is not the antithesis of intelligence, nor are the two concepts even mutually exclusive.
I'm not in a place where I can provide links to the video with Obama's hands at his side while everyone else held hand over heart during National Anthem.

Yep. I've seen that. Evidently you haven't seen the many photographs of him saluting the flag. Who wins? What a ridiculous complaint.

Also not able to provide the many various links of Jeramiah wright spewing hatred from his pulpit at the same church that Obama attended for 20 years. I've posted them in the past. Even if I did provide them for your review/approval, they'd probably be dismissed as being out of context.

We've actually been over these clips before. They are of course a handful of clips (shouldn't there be hundreds of examples over the past 20 years) from events at which Obama was not present and which (yes, grit your teeth now) are more often than not taken out of context by the conservative smear machine. Funnily enough you have nothing to say about Sarah Palin's extremist church.

And I like how 40 years is supposed to be the appropriate amount of time to dismiss and excuse the attempted murder of AMERICAN JUDGES, POLICE MEN, & SOLDIERS. I don't give a crap if he now teaches at a university, I can not forgive or forget his past sins.

Not a Christian I take it. Well fair enough. And since we're stuck in the past, I assume you will not be voting for John McCain thanks to his own associations with attempted murderer G Gordon Liddy?

And Obama should know that when you associate with a person such as Ayers, it's probably not a wise political move, unless he really is that naive.

I'm sure you're not a hypocrite, so I eagerly await your forthcoming excoriation of John McCain for his own similar associations.

You're view is so warped, it's not even worth trying to have a discussion/debate with you.

Says the guy who honestly believes a US presidential candidate hates America...
I cannot believe McCain and Palin are trying to paint Barack as a terrorists and/or someone who associates with terrorists. Palin and McCain are playing dirty, they want to do anything to win dirty...But they will loose dirty. I didn't like either and I don't, but now I don't even respect the scum they are. All respect for the Republic party has been lost.

John please go into a retirement home, and Sarah please go back to Alaska and protect us from Russia. We don't need two mudslingers that throw around the term 'maverick" trying to run the country.

Just let a smart, intelligent, charismatic man named Barack Obama lead this country into a brighter future.

Anyone else view republicans as the Empire and democrats are the rebels fighting for freedom under the oppressed government. Hopefully Emperor Palpatine I mean John McCain doesn't use the dark side to cloud the senate.
These are the type of bigoted, ignorant posts you continually make that do nothing but stir up trouble, and end up getting threads locked.

Not really sure how a link presented without comment can be bigoted or ignorant, but whatever floats your boat.

I could post thousands of examples of highly intelligent, well-educated, successful people who have great faith, but the truth is...

...statistics beat anecdotes. :)
I cannot believe McCain and Palin are trying to paint Barack as a terrorists and/or someone who associates with terrorists. Palin and McCain are playing dirty, they want to do anything to win dirty...But they will loose dirty. I didn't like either and I don't, but now I don't even respect the scum they are. All respect for the Republic party has been lost.

John please go into a retirement home, and Sarah please go back to Alaska and protect us from Russia. We don't need two mudslingers that throw around the term 'maverick" trying to run the country.

Just let a smart, intelligent, charismatic man named Barack Obama lead this country into a brighter future.

Anyone else view republicans as the Empire and democrats are the rebels fighting for freedom under the oppressed government. Hopefully Emperor Palpatine I mean John McCain doesn't use the dark side to cloud the senate.

Hehe nicely done.
Nobody can change? Actions taken forty years ago should overrule any contribution that can be made in the present day?

Who did Ayers bomb?

I don't endorse his violence but this is a tricky area considering the way our nation was founded. Why is it we can look past Washington's efforts to overthrow his government but anything Ayers has done in the intervening forty years is swept to the side?

Do you think Clinton and Bush should apologize for recognizing Nelson Mandela?

Nothing tricky about it at all. One is a great man and one is a vile piece of ^^^^. If you need help figuring out which is which, I pity you.
We have the Presidential debate thread, so we're locking this one.

Let's try and drop the way this is headed and attempt to be more civil.

I meant no offense by my religion comment and apologize if anyone took it the wrong way. It was an unfortunate generalization the type of which I excoriate others for propounding.
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