Your assertion is that all rebellion is created equal I guess?
I see. So only some bloody secession is accepted free and clear.
Where do you stand on Palin's endorsement of Alaskan independence?
Your assertion is that all rebellion is created equal I guess?
I see. So only some bloody secession is accepted free and clear.
Where do you stand on Palin's endorsement of Alaskan independence?
Free and clear? Do you think either the American Revolution or Civil War were easy? LOL.
Never heard of it.
Free and clear? Do you think either the American Revolution or Civil War were easy and weren't paid for in blood and tears?
Never heard of it.
I'm speaking in moral terms. You seem to be giving the American Revolution a free pass but hedging your bets elsewhere. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate. But I do think if the Founding Fathers tried to do today what they did more than 200 years ago people like Mesa would be calling for their heads.
I think Mesa is a smart guy. He just has different values and beliefs, which I fully understand. That is an interesting non-scientific graphic though![]()
It seems you're assuming that "people like Mesa" would side with the current government regardless of the current government's position on topics.
She gave a speech supporting the AIP and her husband Todd joined. It just as it sounds, a party who's purpose is to have Alaska secede from the US and become it's own independent state.
Good luck on a successful and inspiring convention. Keep up the good work, and God bless you.
Sarah Palin did not give a speech supporting the AIP. She recorded the following video "greeting":
"Good luck on a successful and inspiring convention. Keep up the good work, and God bless you."
It also strikes me that your stated claim of the purpose of the AIP is at odds with the very first items on their stated platform:
You'll have to do a bit better than that. Even the NY Times, as left-leaning as they are, didn't stoop to such misleading claims.
Sarah Palin did not give a speech supporting the AIP. She recorded the following video "greeting" :
And though her husband did join, he did not participate in any party activities, other than attending one convention in Wasilla where a candidate for governor was nominated.
It also strikes me that your stated claim of the purpose of the AIP is at odds with the very first items on their stated platform:
- To effect full compliance with the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Alaska.
- To support and defend States' Rights, Individual Rights, Property Rights, and the Equal Footing Doctrine as guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States of America and the state of Alaska.
I'm speaking in moral terms. You seem to be giving the American Revolution a free pass but hedging your bets elsewhere. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate. But I do think if the Founding Fathers tried to do today what they did more than 200 years ago people like Mesa would be calling for their heads.
So much for the liberal media.
Until we as Alaskans receive our Ultimate Goal, the AIP will continue to strive to make Alaska a better place to live with less government interference in our everyday lives.
The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
1) Remain a Territory.
2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.
3) Accept Commonwealth status.
4) Become a State.
You don't know me, you deranged lunatic.
But when I see our country ignoring or giving a pass to an individual that clearly has many questionable relations with less than ethical people involved in domestic terrorism and hate-mongering, I'm not going to sit here quietly and say nothing.
Which only states that they feel (rightly or wrongly) that the people of the state did not have the voice in their road to statehood that they should have had.
I'm not sure where this is coming from. I'm not the one who builds out a fantasy portrait of Obama and then cravenly runs away when called out on it point by point. Where I come from we call that libel. The very least you can do is admit you made up that guff about Obama not saluting the flag when presented with a picture of Obama saluting the flag.
Now that's an interesting relationship with reality. It may be fair to have described Ayers as a terrorist forty years ago but these days he's more likely to be teaching students about eduction than following in the strategic footsteps of George Washington.
We've been over your inability to demonstrate any "hate mongering" on behalf of Obama's acquaintances. These generally take the form of grossly out-of-context quotes by people who seem incapable of reading.
And of course you're also lying, because when it comes right down to it you are "giving a pass to an individual that clearly has many questionable relations with less than ethical people involved in domestic terrorism and hate-mongering."
And his name is John McCain.
Which only states that they feel (rightly or wrongly) that the people of the state did not have the voice in their road to statehood that they should have had. Calling for a vote of the people of the state is different from calling for secession, unless it is widely known that the majority of the people in the state favor secession.
Again, it is NOT an issue for me, but to say it is just a run-of-the-mill party is false. In any case, Sarah Palin is not a member of it.
That's why I gave up. Here's your video.You're view is so warped, it's not even worth trying to have a discussion/debate with you.
I'm not in a place where I can provide links to the video with Obama's hands at his side while everyone else held hand over heart during National Anthem. Also not able to provide the many various links of Jeramiah wright spewing hatred from his pulpit at the same church that Obama attended for 20 years. I've posted them in the past. Even if I did provide them for your review/approval, they'd probably be dismissed as being out of context.
And I like how 40 years is supposed to be the appropriate amount of time to dismiss and excuse the attempted murder of AMERICAN JUDGES, POLICE MEN, & SOLDIERS. I don't give a crap if he now teaches at a university, I can not forgive or forget his past sins. And Obama should know that when you associate with a person such as Ayers, it's probably not a wise political move, unless he really is that naive.
You're view is so warped, it's not even worth trying to have a discussion/debate with you.