Super Freak
I didn't have many, but of them, Hoth Luke was the most memorable.
Hoth Luke is really a standout figure. The sculpt is really good and the detail with the paint apps almost make him feel like he's from later on in the line.
R2-D2 hands down. Take your pick of the three. Not sure who would be second. I would say it close between Luke , Tusken Raider and Jawa(vc).
That's a solid choice for sure! As a kid I used to pretend the sensorscope what's Luke's saber hilt. Never knew the pop-up Saber version existed.
While I never had him as a kid; I love the Amanaman figure. He's such an oddity in the series.
Wicket was my favorite as a kid though.
I've never had either though I've seen A-Man at the lcs and I see what you mean. Wicket I have no excuse for not owning though. Gungans gave me a new appreciation for Ewoks.
I'm currently watching the original version of ROTJ and started noticing all the creatures in Jabba's palace like Amanaman and Yak Face. I guess I never really paid attention to most of them until I started tracking down the Kenner figures.
It's funny how toys do that to a person.
That would be a blast! I'm still VERY much in the air though.
I'll PM you!
Jez... Let's see. Boba Fett was always cool. I think it was the mystery of the 'launching missile' that gave Boba a deeper legacy compared to other figures.
I love Hoth Han. Just being able to put is blaster in that loop in his holster was a huge deal to me.
Bossk, IG-88 and Gamorrean Guard were also favorites but if I were to just pick just one it would be Yoda. The robe, belt, cane and snake were all way cooler accessories that any other figure had to that point. I still remember getting my first Yoda too, my mom bought it for me when I had never even seen one yet. I was the first of my friends to have him, which was always a good thing.
I think Wicket was my last SW figure as a kid.![]()
Good call on Yoda! In retrospect he did come with a lot of goodies, huh? On top of that they mde his house and even the backpack to stick him in.
<--Han Bespin all the way.
He's probably #3 on my list. Love that guy!
Very soild choice! I just got one the other day and it brought back LOTS of memories. We could never find any Indy figures in my area so Bespin Han doubled for Indiana Jones for me.![]()
I never even knew the Indy figures existed until my collecting years. Now there's an underated line.
My favorites were Fett and the Biker Scout as well. In fact I used to take the jawa's robe and put in on the Biker Scout as a dark hooded sweatshirt to make him more badass.
The figure I longed for the most but never had was Bespin Luke, otherwise my favorite "hero" figures were Hoth Han and Luke.
AT-AT Driver was a high contender as well.
All dope figures! Anything Empire is always gold with me.
All Hoth Related figures.
Hoth is always a winner.
Suck it...

Chewbacca the Wookie
And what a Wookie indeed.
What can I say? The coolest dudes post here and this is the best thread on the forum. I am still butt-hurt over the price of the Joker and Bats, the English run Bartertown in the Transformers thread, and GI Joe is all quiet.
Yeah the Joe section is like that.
