Nerf Herder
Of the old school/vintage line I've only seen Tygra and he looked pretty wonky to me. Is Lion-O cool?
I think because we all have families/******** at home?Speaking of vintage, I highly recommend you guys check out the new Thundercats cartoon/toys. VERY 80'ish. The cartoon is awesome, light years better than the Clone Wars, and I am a SW fan.
Of the old school/vintage line I've only seen Tygra and he looked pretty wonky to me. Is Lion-O cool?
I think because we all have families/******** at home?Speaking of vintage, I highly recommend you guys check out the new Thundercats cartoon/toys. VERY 80'ish. The cartoon is awesome, light years better than the Clone Wars, and I am a SW fan.
If I ever see a Lion-O in the store, I'll probably pick him up.
Weird story--I visited my parents a couple months ago for vacation, and found an old poster I made in kindergarten (circa 1985) under the bed. It was a list of things like the food I like, favorite color, etc. For one of the entries I listed Thundercats as my favorite cartoon, and GI Joe as my favorite toy. For the life of me, I don't remember ever thinking of Thundercats as my favorite cartoon. In my time and age-corrupted memories, I remember liking GI Joe and Transformers way more than anything else.
Did you see the last one? Mumm-Tank? Want.
lol, didn't realize this was mainly a work thing...
Yeah, I saw the premiere, pretty awesome. Still have to check out the rest of the series though.
Yeah, but I magically responded to your post before it was posted. That's pretty unnatural itself, you freaky magician, you.
I'm not sold on that... or a lot of the changes made. Something about the series is just not sitting well with me.
Same here, I have a lot of down-time at work so I check and post a lot, then I'm more likely to check on weeknights to continue any discussions. But on the weekends I'm pretty scarce unless there's an event like Spook or SDCC. Got hang with the family and kiddo.
I'm usually busy hunting my next vict. . ., er, hanging with the wife and kids on the weekend.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Tygra I'm on the fence with. The green wrist joints look rediculous and I haven't found one with solid paint apps; they've all had a messed up left eye.But Lion-O is pretty dope!
Also if you have the space the 14" Mezco one is badass and only $5 more than Bandai's 8 inch offering.