OT Preferist
I loved Rax... I was a big fan of the Uncle Alligator meals
That makes a lot of sense... and honestly I'd hate it if the shows were changed. The clips from old shows and movies made MB so much fun as a kid. For awhile it seemed like the only series that you could get a current SW fix from
I loved Rax... I was a big fan of the Uncle Alligator meals
Remember the show "Tour of Duty"? I THINK it was from the '80s so still vintage.
Anyway, I remember my buddy in university got the boxed VHS set from his girlfriend at the time (lol, definitely a keeper... and VHS of all things, we're still talking vintage here!). Anyway, they had changed some of the music on that show for release, too, since they used a lot of popular "Vietnam-type" rock songs. I THINK Paint it Black was still used as the opener, but yeah - sucked big time.
Blame the sucky lawyers that were involved when the shows were being created, for not thinking ahead when drafting the original licensing contracts.
I loved Rax... I was a big fan of the Uncle Alligator meals
All 4,000+ posts??? Damn.I went through the whole thing.
This sounds like the situation with Robotech and why we don't get any Macross stuff over here.
All 4,000+ posts??? Damn.
Over where? I'm not sure what Macross/Robotech licensing issues you're referring to, but as far as I know, you can get video and product releases from both the original Macross, its many variants and sequels, as well as the US-produced Robotech amalgamation in many places around the world. Certainly in the US and Canada. Though admittedly, you're not likely to find selection at ToysRUs or department stores. You'll have to look to specialty toy and hobby shops usually. Or because it's not 1989, shop online like everyone else.
This thread is great. I went through the whole thing. I saw old Starcom toys I used to own. Who knows what happened to all these toys. I think they were thrown away...
I wouldn't have expected that Robotech's license to use Macross source material would preclude the distribution and sale of the source material in the US. Robotech has now traded hands a few times and I don't even know who currently controls the rights.
Both ADV and AnimEigo released Macross in the US. ADV is out of business and AnimEigo's version is now out of print. But they were released.
Most of the Macross stuff has never been dubbed to English if that's what you meant by "official." I can't stand watching Anime with subtitles, so it means I haven't seen most of the newer sequels.
In the US and Canada the vast majority of Anime is never released officially because the market is infinitesimally small compared to its native Japan. Let alone anime-related products - I think North America would be lucky to see one 1/10 of one percent "officially." But a lot is imported by companies catering to smaller markets and you can always import yourself. Import taxes, especially in the US make bringing in anything for personal use extremely attractive, unlike for example in Europe.
With regards to toys specifically and one brand specifically, I'm not aware that Yamato (for example) even officially distributes in North America. So I don't think the lack of their Valkyrie on shelves has anything to do with Macross licensing issues. I've seen plenty of Macross product in local stores over the past 20 years, but then again I live in the Toronto area and we have a huge asian community and a lot of stores catering to these types of products. I still bought my 1:48 Yamato Valkyrie VF-1S (Hikaro colors) from Hong Kong on eBay.
I love me some Starcom! It's one of my favorite toy lines of all time. At a toy show last year I picked up a Shadowbat and 2 Shadow Parasites with figures for $60. These were always my favorites from the line. I've gotten a few other vehicles over the years but never see the figures.
I've developed this Beautiful Mind-esque sense that helps me see through a pile of crap McD's toys at the flea market and decipher if there is anything of value in there. Usually within a couple seconds, I'm off to something else. I too found a Kellog's Lifeline once and I can do the same thing with a box of Hot Wheels. Definitely speeds up the browsing!
^ Hey, sack up fella!
I had the Army Gear canteen and gun. Remember thinking they were pretty cool back in the day. Pretty sure no major company would have the ***** to release a sorta-kinda realistic gun like that for kids nowadays.