I have the Daisy Defense Force Bazooka. Its AWESOME. I would totally get shot if I aimed it at a federal building. Not a spec of blaze orange on it.![]()
cool. you should post a pic.
I have the Daisy Defense Force Bazooka. Its AWESOME. I would totally get shot if I aimed it at a federal building. Not a spec of blaze orange on it.![]()
Who's the orange and blue guy in the middle? I swear I remember having him as a kid but have no memory of his name or what he's from.
Why, that'd be Lord Adam Power from the Power Lords!![]()
i didn't know they made a body for krang. i thought he just came on that tri-pod walking thingy. is that from the 80s/90s toy line?
I love that Gizmo.
Why, that'd be Lord Adam Power from the Power Lords!![]()
I used to have the Unicron toy from a few years ago... cool figure, but ultimately too big and just a touch too modern looking for my tastes.
I think I got him on clearance from Target for around $20![]()
the pizza thrower hurt like heck. there's no way that toy would pass safety standards today.@ GBoy, I remember I had that same Gizmo around the same age, I also remember having some small type of figure that you would soak in water and they would grow to almost 1/6 scale. What the heck were those things? Strip also existed in that toy but I can't remember what the heck they were.
I had that sewer set, I remember being so happy getting that for Christmas and to ooze all the figures.
Also the pizza shooter was an awesome toy, those pizzas really zipped right out of that thing.
I have and love the Unicron figure, one of the best TF's that is not G1 but should be.
In all fairness guys that's the 2010 Transformers the Movie 1986 newly sculpted head Unicron with more of a movie accurate paint job. That's technically not the same Armada Unicron from a few years ago. I got the new one for Christmas and it's awesome.