Super Freak
Awesome Joseph...just awesome.
hey deak is that your set your were selling?
Awesome Joseph...just awesome.
what's the best vintage voltron to get? i'd like to get one with the most diecast. i don't really like the plastic.
Kewl, you got the bad guys set. That is a odd BA head though, the one I have and had back in the day was darker and a bit smaller.
Awesome Joseph...just awesome.
hey deak is that your set your were selling?
I brought up Baron Karza from Micronauts in another thread and just thought I'd post here as well. I'd love to get my hands on one of these.
I freaking loved the Micronauts! My older cousin had practically the full line! I had a lot of the figures and a few vehicles. Looking back, it's strange how the line evolved from the humanoid figures and robot vehicles like Acroyear and Space Glider and Biotron to the alien type figures and vehicles.
I remember getting these originally at the same time as the SW figures, and they would all comingle.
A few years after the line died, they re-released Baron Karza and Force Commander and a few other microman figures, but the Baron was grey instead of black. I ended up getting the Grey Baron and a microman. And just recently the figures were re-released again and I got a Space Glider.
hey deak is that your set your were selling?
They re-released Karza recently? In black? I'd rather buy a re-release than pay 150-200 for a vintage. Do you know who was selling them, Jim?
Here's mine:
It was a while ago, like the mid-eighties. They had them at TRU. And like I said, the Baron was grey. I have him somewhere. I'll try and dig him up and post a pic.
The most recent re-release was for the micromen like Acroyear and Space Glider and that was maybe the early 2000s.
Question galactiboy...
That 'V' figure, is it 12" inches? Is it feasible to put that on a Hot Toys body, the clothing on that 'V' figure? I may want to get a custom head for that bad boy.
what's the best vintage voltron to get? i'd like to get one with the most diecast. i don't really like the plastic.
Yup! And MOTU is up next. Skiman gets first dibs though.![]()
Same here, although I thought they went for more than $100, I was thinking $300 for some reason.
I think a lot depends on if you are looking at loose, w/box, w/o box or MISB.
I misunderstood. I thought you were saying there was another release recently.
Hmm. I see that they did indeed re-release Baron Karza in 2002 (through Palisades), in a pack that included the horse:
There's also a clear version and a clear red version:
Are you trying to get me in bed again, Ski?![]()