War Machine Maquette

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They look pretty cool together. I have the Mark VI, War Machine, and the Mark I all three of them are just really awesome pieces and exceptionally detailed.

Yeah Mark I is an awesome statue! it looks great next to VI and when i get WM i'll be in heaven. :yess:

By the way nice pic Josh. :hi5:
I have ordered the 1:1 bust. Wondering if I should get this and the Hot Toys 12 inch figure.

Unless you are strapped for cash, why would you go with the 12" HT figure. Especially when you can have the maquette version. The only thing that I see that the HT WM has over the Maquette WM, is that you can pose him. Other than that the Maquette WM is hands down the way you should go to matching him up with the 1:1 bust. I think even most 12" collectors would say the same.
Thank you very much! Thats more than kind of you. :duff

Video Review is up

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Uo6Do12QiuY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I have ordered the 1:1 bust. Wondering if I should get this and the Hot Toys 12 inch figure.

Watch the above video review from Josh and you'll be ordering this right away. :D :wink1:
Unless you are strapped for cash, why would you go with the 12" HT figure. Especially when you can have the maquette version. The only thing that I see that the HT WM has over the Maquette WM, is that you can pose him. Other than that the Maquette WM is hands down the way you should go to matching him up with the 1:1 bust. I think even most 12" collectors would say the same.

Plus he already owns the MK VI so this would be perfect! if he just got the HT version it would look odd imho just look how small it looks near the 1/4 in the pics Josh posted. SSC one gets my vote. :lecture
Actually I have the HT MK lV and ordered the MK V and Vl. To most of my friends, HT's product is better than SS's Maquette. To me it is just apple and orange. HT is good at the very details, you can actually play with it. To me if you are getting a bowen (no offense to me it is SS>HT>KOTO>BOWEN) you should get a HT. Actually in HK getting a HT War Machine used to be quite reasonable, if I am not wrong, it should be $125us- 135us. (Now it cost more than $200us at ebay) I am thinking whether I should get this, is it very limited? If not I will think for a while more.
Actually I have the HT MK lV and ordered the MK V and Vl. To most of my friends, HT's product is better than SS's Maquette. To me it is just apple and orange. HT is good at the very details, you can actually play with it. To me if you are getting a bowen (no offense to me it is SS>HT>KOTO>BOWEN) you should get a HT. Actually in HK getting a HT War Machine used to be quite reasonable, if I am not wrong, it should be $125us- 135us. (Now it cost more than $200us at ebay) I am thinking whether I should get this, is it very limited? If not I will think for a while more.

Well i'd never pick HT over SSC but that's just me.
Neither I will. it is always SS first, despite all the facts that SS is not "user friendly" in HK. But I think in displaying your collections, some of the times you need some "things" to decorate the bigger statue, so I would rather pick a HT than a Bowen. I have discussed with some collectors in HK, besides Bowen is a more "traditional" brand, they collect it because it fits Hong Kong. In that case, for instance, a MK Vl HT is like 140-150 us and new bowen is at least $2xx us, I would rather get a HT to play and decorate. But one thing for sure, SS statue, even you have displayed it, can increase in value. But I do not see such kind of things on HT figures. (Maybe some very limited version.)
Neither I will. it is always SS first, despite all the facts that SS is not "user friendly" in HK. But I think in displaying your collections, some of the times you need some "things" to decorate the bigger statue, so I would rather pick a HT than a Bowen. I have discussed with some collectors in HK, besides Bowen is a more "traditional" brand, they collect it because it fits Hong Kong. In that case, for instance, a MK Vl HT is like 140-150 us and new bowen is at least $2xx us, I would rather get a HT to play and decorate. But one thing for sure, SS statue, even you have displayed it, can increase in value. But I do not see such kind of things on HT figures. (Maybe some very limited version.)

Oh yeah if space and funds are limited then HT are great! i think the stuff they make are really well done and the paint etc is great but other than a few things they make i'll never really collect HT. :)
Oh yeah if space and funds are limited then HT are great! i think the stuff they make are really well done and the paint etc is great but other than a few things they make i'll never really collect HT. :)

But I would have to agree if this is the case. Then HT is a great choice for his collection.
Oh yeah if space and funds are limited then HT are great! i think the stuff they make are really well done and the paint etc is great but other than a few things they make i'll never really collect HT. :)

As someone from HK, I am proud to see HT becomes world famous. (As I have told you, HK citizens are very strict, there is only one good path for you, if you want to do something that fit your interest, unless you are those silver spoon rich second generation.) But you are right, unlike most people from HK, I only like "some" of their toys, for instance the Iron Man franchise. (Because it has the light up features, before I collect Marvel line, 90% of my toys can be lighten up.) And in Hong Kong, we love speculating, HT is now become the apple Ipad/Iphone, you buy it now, you are guaranteed to make a profit and I hate those people, they just take the money from collectors.

One more thing, the sales stuff at HT "SUCKS BIG", I have been there once to pre-order Iron Man MK Vl, that was the first time I went there and I didnt know how to order. Their attitude was like, "Shame on you, you dont even know how to make the order?" And I felt like I was a begging for food there. As a result, I never go back there, I just ordered that from local retailers, even I have to pay for $10 or $15 dollars.
Been decide to buy this piece for a long time, after seem so many great pics, I just click the bottom on eBay to get a Reg one!! Will be here two weeks!!
I really hope sideshow makes and iron patriot commiquette would look great next to these two esp in 1/4!

Yeah i've also been hoping that they would make an iron patriot. :hi5:

Been decide to buy this piece for a long time, after seem so many great pics, I just click the bottom on eBay to get a Reg one!! Will be here two weeks!!

Congrats jye. :)