Was ANH Leia the victim of a bad paint job?

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King Darkness said:
Wait till the poduction Old Ben arrives:google
Hold your tongue! :lol

At least with Old Ben we're getting an excellent sculpt. With Leia I think the likeness is okay at best. I felt the same way about the Yavin Luke sculpt...it was okay and ended up being meh.
Maybe its the glasses, but I see Fisher in the sculpt.

I think that some of her features may have been softened (which happens in figures) but still looks like her to me. I think the one issue between the pictures is the lighting... SS photos don't always show off the figures well.
I think everyone is reacting too soon. Lets wait till we have some in-hand shots. Then we can bicker about whether its the freak-photography or not that makes her look bad. :monkey3

Seriously though, I think she looks good. The CIV pics make her look alitle better than the proto pics do... We'll se when she ships next Febraury. Then we can set up the death cage for Dave and Josh to hop around in.

I will start taking bets now, however.... :lol
The main thing I see that I dont like is the nose. Its not quite right, but I do think there is a pretty good likeness there.
mfoga said:
I can say it looks better in person maybe even much better.

Does Josh get his lightsaber?

1) I'll take your word for it, Mark. :rock

2) Josh does get his lightsaber, but he can only perform the movies in his bobble-tar. :maul
Now now you guys . . . :rolleyes:

This is actually one of my favorite sculpts so far, but then I'm disposed to think well of lots of things (makes my life a lot easier :cool: ). But I can also see how some might not like it. I'm in love with it frankly, I think it's really well done. To each his own, can't say anybody is more or less right since it's really just a matter of opinion.
I think the only thing that could save this is a repaint by someone like Figuremaster Les, Dark Artist or Custom Mikey as there's no resemblance to Carrie Fisher at all. The SS paint job looks like a cross between clown paint and a cheap hooker. :lol
If Josh gets the lightsaber, does Dave get the Kurgen sword?

Seriously, this is pointless until you get one in hand, although I think people have already decided if they love it or hate it.
Anzik Hayes said:
If Josh gets the lightsaber, does Dave get the Kurgen sword?

Seriously, this is pointless until you get one in hand, although I think people have already decided if they love it or hate it.
Well does Dave have pics all over with the sword? If so then yes if not no.:lol

And for people already hating them isnt that the norm here.
The face is definately off. The head is alittle too long, but other than that, it would probably just need a better paint job. ;)
Cocoboloboy said:
Yep. Something slightly off here. To me it's mainly the large eyes. When the eyes are like that it gives the figure a very toyish, dolly look to me.
Yeah,shutup, I know, they're all dolls but you know what I mean.:D

Same thing that jumps out to me. The eyes are just too damn big and it ruins the whole sculpt.

Josh, it's time to let go of SS's nut sack and admit a poor job when it arrives. How you can't see what EVERYONE else sees is infuriating
Darth Loki said:
Same thing that jumps out to me. The eyes are just too damn big and it ruins the whole sculpt.

Josh, it's time to let go of SS's nut sack and admit a poor job when it arrives. How you can't see what EVERYONE else sees is infuriating

Dude, it's time to give up on asking Josh to ever see a flaw with SS LOL. He says he sees flaws, but then priases every product that comes out.

To call this "dead on" is laughable IMO. I think it's ok looking, but "dead on"?? No way.
I passed on the pre-order but "may" pick one up once the production pieces start arriving and we can see what the real deal is. I passed on Boussh Leia waiting for this classic Leia figure. It would suck if it turns out to look bad and I end up not having any Leia in my collection...