Here's the whole article...
Alan Moore is the creator of DC's Watchmen, V for Vendetta, etc.., and is a filthy, snobbish recluse. He hates franchising and absolutely despises the comic book industry for capitalizing on it's superheroes... despite the fact that it is what pays his bills and made him the celebrity he is today. He's basically one of those hypocritical @$$holes who says "fight the power" yet never hesitates to take a royalty check from them.
From the Antilles thread:
I know who Alan Moore is. I don't understand your reply to Tom's comment where he simply pointed out that there is no group called "The Watchmen" or "Watchmen." Who's balls was he busting?
He signed all of his royalities over to Dave Gibbons, who in turn is sharing a large portion of it with colorist John Higgins.
In his completely random "Alan Moore is a hypocrite who still cashes the royalty check" diatribe thenammagazine also neglected (or overlooked) the fact that Moore won't make one single penny off the WATCHMEN film or any of its licensing. He signed all of his royalities over to Dave Gibbons, who in turn is sharing a large portion of it with colorist John Higgins. That has been public knowledge for months now.
Damn, that must have sucked big time Batty. I couldnt imagine having to wait an entire year to finish Watchmen.
Smart man, brings good points.
But movies can be just as deep as books. The only difference is your "reading" the "thing" in 2 hours, insted of 2 days....
Thnx for posting Batty, wish it was longer interview.
Kevin Smith has seen "Watchmen" and it sounds good!
From the short interview:
"And Watchmen is just spellbinding for how — it is literally the graphic novel comes alive, there's not a misstep in it. It's like reading the book, but watching it instead. He did a great, great job."
Kevin Smith: The Dark Knight is Better Than Watchmen
Wow, the guy who named his kid after Harley Quinn likes a Batman movie better than something else? Stop the presses.
Kevin Smith: The Dark Knight is Better Than Watchmen
I think you'll find that most of us here are impervious to the archaic opinions of Batfanboys (including Kevin Smith) when it comes to WATCHMEN.