WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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Watchmen won't have TDK's legs by any means. It'll probably drop out of the top five this next weekend but I think it'll break $150 million by the time all is said and done.
I think "Watchmen" is kind of in the same category as some current TV show like SCC or BG in the sense that not a lot of folks tune in when the shows are airing, but they're DVR'ing or downloading the heck out of 'em. Maybe "Watchmen" will wane in the theaters pretty quick but it'll be enjoyed in it's "next" disc collections everywhere...

"Watchmen" is gonna do great business on BR and DVD...probably better than in the theaters in the long run. I'm glad to read that WB already gave Snyder & Co some ample resources to do a real nice job with the discs...should be cool.

I'm hoping that the long-term view for this film's success is akin to another genre classic...."Blade Runner". I remember when that was in the theaters, it tanked and now, show me one geek or film buff that hasn't had that amazing movie in their collection at some point....heck, that was my "show-off" disc back in the old Laser Disc days...slapped on the "Criterion Collection" edition of it, got on the proper "attitude" and invited friends over to enjoy it...

Here's hoping "Watchmen" ends up in that same esteemed class...
Watchmen won't have TDK's legs by any means. It'll probably drop out of the top five this next weekend but I think it'll break $150 million by the time all is said and done.

That's a fair assessment. TDK had such wide appeal for reasons surpassing just the genre (the "gritty realism" approach, Heath's performance and subsequent death, the PG-13 rating opposite Watchmen's R). Watchmen will do well; how well... certainly not blockbuster caliber, but people like us will be affording it multiple viewings for the sake of fairness, while those who aren't fans of the GN will be seeing it again to absorb all of what's transpiring. There's a lot to let sink in if you don't already have familiarity with the story. How it does financially isn't something I find all that important; how it will be judged in the long term based on popularity and appeal will be more interesting to see.
Since he started this thread, what did Irish think of this movie?

Not to put words in his mouth, but I'm sure he loves it, thinks it's not perfect but a success. :huh

BINGO! :lecture

And, happily... it gets better on repeat viewings and the upcoming longer cuts will likely only improve it even more.

In the end, it's WATCHMEN about as good and faithful as it could have been as a big budget movie. And I am both thankful and impressed by that. Zack Snyder has earned his Get Out Of Jail Free Card from me.
I'm hoping that the long-term view for this film's success is akin to another genre classic...."Blade Runner".

Good comparison considering the "Rorshach's Journal" portions were so influenced, guitar riffs and all.
today when I went to school, I asked some classmates if they saw the watchmen.. they all looked dumbfold and one said
"my brother saw it, he said it was like a cheap copy of marvel"

inside my head: what the ^^^^ are you stupid? they were based off charlton comic's characters you ^^^^ing moring.

what came out of my mouth: oh not at all, the characters were from charlton comics that was bought out by DC in the 80's. and alan moore had thought up of a concept to write a GN called "who killed the peacemaker" but instead to use revamp the characters.

classmate: oh

today when I went to school, I asked some classmates if they saw the watchmen.. they all looked dumbfold and one said
"my brother saw it, he said it was like a cheap copy of marvel"

inside my head: what the ^^^^ are you stupid? they were based off charlton comic's characters you ^^^^ing moring.

what came out of my mouth: oh not at all, the characters were from charlton comics that was bought out by DC in the 80's. and alan moore had thought up of a concept to write a GN called "who killed the peacemaker" but instead to use revamp the characters.

classmate: oh


Really? You were genuinely shocked that he didn't know that?
I really kinda love this. Sure, it's snarky, mean and borderline bitter... but it's oh, so true:

10 Things To Know About Watchmen
Never heard of Watchmen? Not a fan? Here’s what you’ll need to know before seeing the film...

This being a Watchmen fan site, I tend to write most of my articles for the avid Watchmen fan.

Today, in the wake of some recent misleading news stories, ill-written reviews and blatant propaganda floating around the Net, I'm presenting this primer that will help the uninitiated get prepared to watch Watchmen.

10. It’s not really a super hero movie
Don't go into this film expecting Fantastic Four or Spiderman 3. Why? Well, first off, Fantastic Four and Spiderman 3 sucked. Second, this film has a few things that those films didn't have — mainly plot, character, conflict, symbolism, tone, and allegory. “But it has super heroes in it — doesn't that make it a super hero movie?” Right, and Blade Runner is a “robot” movie.

9. There is a naked male member in it.
Hold on to your homophobic hats — there’s a male member in this film! Somebody call the ^^^^ police! Get over it, don't look at it, or get some therapy about that incident you had in gym class back when you were in junior high.

8. There is graphic sex and violence in it.
Several asshats on the Internet have been ^^^^^ing about the amount of graphic violence in the film saying that it is “over-the-top” and baseless. These same individuals have also been known to stare directly into the sun and vote for Ross Perot. Yes, there is some graphic sex and violence in the film but it all has a point. It’s called deconstruction. Look it up.

7. This movie is not for children.
There is a reason there are ratings on films, and this one is rated R. If you take your seven year-old niece to see this movie, you should be reported to social services because you have the same judgment quotient as one of those guys you see on home video shows who rides his kid's BMX bike off of his roof into a half empty swimming pool. Still not sure why you shouldn’t take a kid to see this film? Go back and read number eight *******.

6. There are lots of flashbacks.
If your mind can't grasp a storyline that moves from 1985 to 1959 to 1977 either pop a few Ritalin during the coming attractions or just stay home. The flashbacks exist because the meat of Watchmen is character development. What's that? You like complex characters? Then this movie could be for you. Otherwise stick with stories published by Fisher Price.

5. Zack Snyder did not invent slow motion
Listen, slow motion has been used, and overused, by filmmakers for decades — it wasn't invented on the set of 300. WB may call Snyder a “visionary,” but he didn't earn that moniker by inventing the technique of ramping down film speed to add dramatic effect. Yes, it’s used in Watchmen, but it’s never overdone.

4. Nobody but Dr. Manhattan has any powers
Yes, that’s right. Nobody has any superpowers but the blue guy. The other heroes are highly skilled fighters and some of them are also incredibly strong and agile, but if you want to see the whole cast throwing cars, flying, and changing into lizards and ^^^^, go watch X-Men.

3. You need to have at least a 7th grade understanding of history.
Not sure who won the Vietnam War? Unclear who Richard Nixon was? Never heard the term Cold War used before? Then instead of seeing this movie, go crack a book and go learn something. There won't be a test after Watchmen, but if your understanding of history comes from memorizing the lyrics to that Billy Joel song, this film is over your head.

2. This movie should not be compared to The Dark Knight
Great, you loved Dark Knight. You even signed that petition which would prevent any other actor again from playing the Joker because of what Heath Ledger did for the role. Good for you. But just because the word appears in the title doesn't mean the film is “dark.” Let's get this straight — Batman was trained by ninjas, drives a car with a jet engine and has a secret cave under his mansion… that's cool, not dark. No matter how gravelly Christian Bale’s voice gets, or how undersaturated the colors are in a Batman movie, it will never be as “dark” as Watchmen. Watchmen has a brutal attempted rape, a world on the brink of nuclear annihilation, and a child murderer who gets punished with a cleaver chop to his head — several times. Batman has a butler played by Michael Caine. Still think Batman is “dark?” ^^^^-sake man, you’re amateur.

1. The movie requires you to think.
Watchmen is not a passive experience. It’s a complex and layered narrative and it requires you to pay attention. If you like that kind of movie, the kind you and your friends can have a meaningful and intellectual conversation about afterward, then you’re in for quite a ride. If you don’t like that kind of movie, go rent White Chicks from NetFlix and stay home.

Okay, so you read the above list and you're ready to see Watchmen. This doesn’t guarantee that you’re going to like it, but at least you're properly prepared and the chances you will like it have been significantly increased. You're welcome.
Watchmen won't have TDK's legs by any means. It'll probably drop out of the top five this next weekend but I think it'll break $150 million by the time all is said and done.

have you seen whats currently out movie wise and what is comming out?? I find it hard to believe that watchmen will make less than that tyler perry crap, taken (which has been out forever), mall cop, and "shes not that into you" and that street fighter abomination is going to be making more money than Watchmen in 2 weeks..... i have to disagree.....

about the total gross, you may be right at around 150 mil, but hopefull if it keeps its legs it can clear the 200 mil mark domestically so it dosent look like a failure compared to 300 which grossed around 210,(even though they SHOULD NOT BE COMPARED TO ONEANOTER). Moores work is also known internationality so if they can pull in some money from england and asia, a figure of 260-280 mil total international gross isnt impossible......
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have you seen whats currently out movie wise and what is comming out?? I find it hard to believe that watchmen will make less than that tyler perry crap, taken (which has been out forever), mall cop, and "shes not that into you" and that street fighter abomination is going to be making more money than Watchmen in 2 weeks..... i have to disagree.....

about the total gross, you may be right at around 150 mil, but hopefull if it keeps its legs it can clear the 200 mil mark domestically so it dosent look like a failure compared to 300 which grossed around 210,(even though they SHOULD NOT BE COMPARED TO ONEANOTER). Moores work is also known internationality so if they can pull in some money from england and asia, a figure of 260-280 mil total international gross isnt impossible......

Typically the final domestic gross is twice the opening weekend - which would put this in the $110 mil. ball park. Not a homerun by any means. But for once we're not worried about a sequel and I'm sure Zack Snyder will get another job. Fox will get less money for their extortion (err, I mean lawsuit) - I can live with that. It would seem WB was spending money hand over fist on marketing just to screw Fox out of their points.
Awesome post Carl, that was a hilarious read... :clap

And Dave speaks truth... The movie won't be an astounding success, but it will at least do well enough to justify it being made. And I honestly think it will be well remembered over the years and will only get better with Blade Runner as someone had already said before... Which is good enough for me.

I think I might even go see it this weekend too, as the Wife has to work all weekend.. and it's a nice break from painting. :D
I really kinda love this. Sure, it's snarky, mean and borderline bitter... but it's oh, so true:
Several asshats on the Internet have been ^^^^^ing about the amount of graphic violence in the film saying that it is “over-the-top” and baseless. These same individuals have also been known to stare directly into the sun and vote for Ross Perot. Yes, there is some graphic sex and violence in the film but it all has a point. It’s called deconstruction. Look it up.

Didn't you tell me you voted for Ross Perot?:lol:lol:lol
10 Things To Know About Watchmen
Never heard of Watchmen? Not a fan? Here’s what you’ll need to know before seeing the film...

This being a Watchmen fan site, I tend to write most of my articles for the avid Watchmen fan.

Today, in the wake of some recent misleading news stories, ill-written reviews and blatant propaganda floating around the Net, I'm presenting this primer that will help the uninitiated get prepared to watch Watchmen.

10. It’s not really a super hero movie
Don't go into this film expecting Fantastic Four or Spiderman 3. Why? Well, first off, Fantastic Four and Spiderman 3 sucked. Second, this film has a few things that those films didn't have — mainly plot, character, conflict, symbolism, tone, and allegory. “But it has super heroes in it — doesn't that make it a super hero movie?” Right, and Blade Runner is a “robot” movie.

9. There is a naked male member in it.
Hold on to your homophobic hats — there’s a male member in this film! Somebody call the ^^^^ police! Get over it, don't look at it, or get some therapy about that incident you had in gym class back when you were in junior high.

8. There is graphic sex and violence in it.
Several asshats on the Internet have been ^^^^^ing about the amount of graphic violence in the film saying that it is “over-the-top” and baseless. These same individuals have also been known to stare directly into the sun and vote for Ross Perot. Yes, there is some graphic sex and violence in the film but it all has a point. It’s called deconstruction. Look it up.

7. This movie is not for children.
There is a reason there are ratings on films, and this one is rated R. If you take your seven year-old niece to see this movie, you should be reported to social services because you have the same judgment quotient as one of those guys you see on home video shows who rides his kid's BMX bike off of his roof into a half empty swimming pool. Still not sure why you shouldn’t take a kid to see this film? Go back and read number eight *******.

6. There are lots of flashbacks.
If your mind can't grasp a storyline that moves from 1985 to 1959 to 1977 either pop a few Ritalin during the coming attractions or just stay home. The flashbacks exist because the meat of Watchmen is character development. What's that? You like complex characters? Then this movie could be for you. Otherwise stick with stories published by Fisher Price.

5. Zack Snyder did not invent slow motion
Listen, slow motion has been used, and overused, by filmmakers for decades — it wasn't invented on the set of 300. WB may call Snyder a “visionary,” but he didn't earn that moniker by inventing the technique of ramping down film speed to add dramatic effect. Yes, it’s used in Watchmen, but it’s never overdone.

4. Nobody but Dr. Manhattan has any powers
Yes, that’s right. Nobody has any superpowers but the blue guy. The other heroes are highly skilled fighters and some of them are also incredibly strong and agile, but if you want to see the whole cast throwing cars, flying, and changing into lizards and ^^^^, go watch X-Men.

3. You need to have at least a 7th grade understanding of history.
Not sure who won the Vietnam War? Unclear who Richard Nixon was? Never heard the term Cold War used before? Then instead of seeing this movie, go crack a book and go learn something. There won't be a test after Watchmen, but if your understanding of history comes from memorizing the lyrics to that Billy Joel song, this film is over your head.

2. This movie should not be compared to The Dark Knight
Great, you loved Dark Knight. You even signed that petition which would prevent any other actor again from playing the Joker because of what Heath Ledger did for the role. Good for you. But just because the word appears in the title doesn't mean the film is “dark.” Let's get this straight — Batman was trained by ninjas, drives a car with a jet engine and has a secret cave under his mansion… that's cool, not dark. No matter how gravelly Christian Bale’s voice gets, or how undersaturated the colors are in a Batman movie, it will never be as “dark” as Watchmen. Watchmen has a brutal attempted rape, a world on the brink of nuclear annihilation, and a child murderer who gets punished with a cleaver chop to his head — several times. Batman has a butler played by Michael Caine. Still think Batman is “dark?” ^^^^-sake man, you’re amateur.

1. The movie requires you to think.
Watchmen is not a passive experience. It’s a complex and layered narrative and it requires you to pay attention. If you like that kind of movie, the kind you and your friends can have a meaningful and intellectual conversation about afterward, then you’re in for quite a ride. If you don’t like that kind of movie, go rent White Chicks from NetFlix and stay home.

Okay, so you read the above list and you're ready to see Watchmen. This doesn’t guarantee that you’re going to like it, but at least you're properly prepared and the chances you will like it have been significantly increased. You're welcome.

This reads more like an insecure justification of merit than an attempt at humor.
Awesome post Carl, that was a hilarious read... :clap

And Dave speaks truth... The movie won't be an astounding success, but it will at least do well enough to justify it being made. And I honestly think it will be well remembered over the years and will only get better with Blade Runner as someone had already said before... Which is good enough for me.

I think I might even go see it this weekend too, as the Wife has to work all weekend.. and it's a nice break from painting. :D

I'm going again on Saturday. :rock