WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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This is near genius:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
This is near genius:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Hanna-Barbera + Watchmen = ensuing hilarity
So the only post-1985 recording on the soundtrack will be a cover of Dylan's Desolation Row, covered by My Chemical Romance. It's cool that we'll hear the song since it was quoted by Moore in the graphic novel, and I also find it amusing that they will be trimming down an almost 12 minute long song to fit the film--just as the length of the film itself is being trimmed down to fit theaters. So it's kind of appropriate, lol.

The SDCC footage has been put on iTunes. For those who weren't at the WATCHMEN panel or haven't seen it yet... go get it and be amazed.

(Also, there is a kick ass new WATCHMEN iPhone App, too!)
Here's a breakdown of what's in the SDCC Footage now up on iTunes:

-(old footage) Rorschach lifting his head up after arriving at Blake's apartment, then looking to the side

-Janey Slater in tears, tossing her earrings at Manhattan, then a reverse shot of the earrings in slow motion while Manhattan calmly looks at them. The earrings are a bit different than in the GN, but still looks like a hydrogen atom.

-(old footage) Shot of the Comedian's smiley face pin with blood on it

-(old footage) Rorschach opening up Comedian's closet.

-Clearer look at Rorschach's face (it really does look amazing), shots of a picture on Blake's desk of Laurie with Manhattan's hand on her shoulder, and a newspaper clipping and picture: "The Comedian Get's Last Laugh on Moloch"

-Dan sitting down with the Comedian's badge, with the owlsuit and snow owlsuit in the background. Aw, the snow owl suit isn't nearly as cute anymore.

-Picture of Minutemen with Sally rubbing her eyes and laughing. She and Blake make eye contact and Blake grins at her. He has a cigar in his mouth, which is a minor departure from the GN.

-(old footage) Manhattan's glass palace lifting off on Mars

-(old footage) The birth of Manhattan

-Laurie taking the cover off the Owlship.

-Clockwork laid out on a cloth with a magnifying glass over it, tweezers can be seen picking up a cog.

-(old footage) More stuff from Manhattan birth

-(old footage) "Hiroshima Lovers" shot

-Low angle shot of Nixon swiveling in his chair to face the camera, Kissinger off to the side

-Owlship crashing in Antarctica

-Wally Weaver looking on in horror at Osterman being disintegrated

-Giant Manhattan burying hand in machine (from when Rorschach visits him at the beginning)

-(old footage) Rorschach's Rumrunner leap

-Another shot of Rorschach's Rumrunner leap, seen from the apartment as Rorschach leaps out the window

-Comedian punching a woman during the riots with a sound carrying over from

-A baseball knocking over bottles at a carnival, shots of Osterman and Slater

-Ozymandias turning and looking at the camera

-(old footage) PG-rated blowup of Vietnamese soldier

-Young Kovacs looking up

-Blake throwing knives at his assailant, embedding in the pinup picture of Sally. It looks like Blake is in the kitchen after all

-(old footage) Laurie at the prison

-Nite Owl beating someone up

-A police line stretched out at night. My guess is that it's stretched over the window at Blake's apartment right before Rorschach comes up

-(old footage) Manhattan reaching out to grab Ozy at Karnak

-Laurie moving in to kiss Dan, they're both costumed

-(old footage) Police moving into Moloch's apartment

-Rorschach holding Moloch down in his refrigerator, with a shot of Rorschach talking and the mask moving (I like this; it's always bothered me in the Spider-Man movies that his mask never moves)

-Slow motion shot of a revolver firing as an old man looks surprised in the door way. Moloch, maybe? I can't tell.

-News reporters taking photos of the dead Dollar Bill

-Dan at Blake's funeral with rain on his glasses

-(old footage) Blake being thrown out the window.
In case anyone missed this news about HOME on PS3 which goes live tomorrow, this stuff won't be out tomorrow, but its coming....

"Watchmen movie content has also been announced via the press release, including "an exclusive video greeting from Watchmen Director Zack Snyder as well as the latest Watchmen trailer. A selection of virtual Watchmen merchandise e.g. T-Shirts with the smiley face logo, Doomsday clocks and character statues, will also be available in the New Year, ahead of an exclusive Q & A event where cast and filmmakers will meet selected press and competition winners fans within the Watchmen themed environment."
Damn, that Comic Con trailer is awesome!

Basically. The footage was :rock

And also props to the marketing team that is handling this one. The background song choices have been superb

And isn't that kid the same one from 300 who plays young Leonidas?
Pay? Isn't iTunes free? The SDCC Footage (and all the trailers) is a free download on the iTunes store. The only thing that you have to pay for are the Motion Comics.
As cool as the trailer is, the motion comic is much cooler and well worth the money. Go buy it people!

I think it's my preferred version at this point, though my new Absolute Watchmen is pretty damn cool. :rock
Just downloaded the free iTunes SDCC footage.....amazing. I love watching Rorshach's mask change the inkblots and the looks and feel are so eeriely close to the comic. I can't wait. While it won't break the records that TDK did I think it'll be remembered as the best and truest adaptation of a GN to screen for a long time to come much more than people are cheering TDK for making the characters interesting and globally accessible by the general populus.
I think the comparisons to TDK will end in March when people unfamiliar with WATCHMEN have their minds blown. You just can't take these other superheroes as seriously anymore. It happened with the comic, and I think it will happen again with the film genre as well.
Chapter 6 of the motion comic blew me away. It was so perfectly done.

I know. The whole thing is sweet! :rock

I'm telling you guys, if you like the graphic novel at all, you're doing yourself a great disservice if you don't get the motion comic. One of the coolest things I've seen! The movie will be cool, no doubt, but the motion comic is where it's really at.
I know. The whole thing is sweet! :rock

I'm telling you guys, if you like the graphic novel at all, you're doing yourself a great disservice if you don't get the motion comic. One of the coolest things I've seen! The movie will be cool, no doubt, but the motion comic is where it's really at.

Well, except for one thing: It's not full cast, which was a really unfortunately and odd decision give the production standards of the motion, music, etc.

He does a very good job with some characters (Kovacs, Rorschach, Osterman/Manhattan, Dr. Long, etc) but on others he's pretty bad (especially The Comedian)... and with female characters, forget about it.