WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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Even cooler pics from Total FILM:

Nite Owl's Snow Suit!


1940's Villains (Captain Axis kicks ass):
Sorry, but Alan Moore is an ass. Every picture I see makes me think this is the best possible adaptation that could happen.
Snow suit is pimp. Who is the Nazi, again?

Captain Axis.

He was briefly mentioned in "Under The Hood", but here is his backstory (written by Alan Moore for the Mayfair RPG):

Hans von Krupp was a top official in Hilter's Nazi party who fell out of favor early on during World War II by failing to act on intelligence which could have prevented the escape of Allied forces from Dunkirk. Fleeing Europe for his life, Krupp ended up in America. Oddly enough, even though he was marked for death by The Third Reich, he remained fanatically loyal to the Fuhrer and his SS ideals. While in the U.S., he linked up with the Fifth Columnists and became a master saboteur, taking on the name "Captain Axis".

While the Second World War raged in Europe and the Pacific, Captain Axis was one of the most notorious Nazi saboteurs operating within the States From 1941 to 1945 he threatened factories, U.S.O. shows, propaganda war films, and U.S. armed forces installations. His ultimate ambition was to redeem himself in the eyes of Germany and Hiltler.

During a pitched battle with The Minutemen's Hooded Justice and The Comedian on the deck of an Allied sub in the Arctic circle in 1945, Captain Axis fell into the icy waters and disappeared. It is still unknown whether he perished or if he remains at large.

And, yes, he came before Kroenen. :lecture
Sorry, but Alan Moore is an ass. Every picture I see makes me think this is the best possible adaptation that could happen.
I really don't think Moore's vitriol has anything to do with the quality of this film. He just hates Hollywood (and DC) now, period. There was nothing that Snyder could do to make a WATCHMEN movie at all palatable to Moore at this point.
So is he just unhappy because DC sold the rights to make this into a movie or is there more to it than that?
So is he just unhappy because DC sold the rights to make this into a movie or is there more to it than that?
Well, there are two things...

First (and mainly) he just despises Hollywood now. And he has good reason for that. Most "big" movies are indeed pure crap. And, to date, almost all of the adaptations of his work have been horrid (From Hell and LXG immediately spring to mind). Only V For Vendetta turned out with any merit, but even that featured changes from the source material that riled many Moore fans... and his experience with producer Joel Silver on that particular project soured him of Hollywood and the movies for good.

Secondly, several years ago he came to the conclusion that Watchmen could never be successfully adapated into a feature film. You add his utter hatred of Hollywood and skepticism to that and you have a guy who not only believes nothing good can come of it, but he doesn't even want to acknowledge that it exists.

He also has had an ongoing spat with DC Comics for years. They used to kiss his ass (such as when they cancelled a line of planned Watchmen comic figures in 2001 when he protested) but they basically do what they want with the properties now. And that's because Dave Gibbons and David Lloyd are all too happy to participate.

Personally, I don't blame Moore for how he feels, even if he is being recalcitrant (there's my favorite word!) and stubborn. But the real problem is that the media folks keep bugging and asking him about Watchmen and they should just leave well enough alone.
Well, there are two things...

First (and mainly) he just despises Hollywood now. And he has good reason for that. Most "big" movies are indeed pure crap. And, to date, almost all of the adaptations of his work have been horrid (From Hell and LXG immediately spring to mind). Only V For Vendetta turned out with any merit, but even that featured changes from the source material that riled many Moore fans... and his experience with producer Joel Silver on that particular project soured him of Hollywood and the movies for good.

Secondly, several years ago he came to the conclusion that Watchmen could never be successfully adapated into a feature film. You add his utter hatred of Hollywood and skepticism to that and you have a guy who not only believes nothing good can come of it, but he doesn't even want to acknowledge that it exists.

He also has had an ongoing spat with DC Comics for years. They used to kiss his ass (such as when they cancelled a line of planned Watchmen comic figures in 2001 when he protested) but they basically do what they want with the properties now. And that's because Dave Gibbons and David Lloyd are all too happy to participate.

Personally, I don't blame Moore for how he feels, even if he is being recalcitrant (there's my favorite word!) and stubborn. But the real problem is that the media folks keep bugging and asking him about Watchmen and they should just leave well enough alone.


It's frustrating how Moore is misunderstood, often mocked and derided by supposed fans of his work. :banghead

Even the "best" adaptation, V, misses the mark completely. It's a fun movie but guts the point of the comic and excises the aspects of the story Moore himself was drawn to and found most important in favor of standard mindless good vs evil action superhero fare.
Snow suit is awesome. Awesome! I was wondering how they'd pull it off convincingly since the costume he has in the movie is such a departure from the GN, (though you can still see the traditional costume in a few shots stored away with Dan in the foreground). Very nice final design.

Again, though, Alan is a man of profound brilliance, but I give Zach Snyder a great deal of adulation for still remaining as faithful to the original work as he can and constantly singing Alan's praises, even with Alan deeming him a pandering sell-out of a prat who is wasting his time, whose touch will likely turn gold into $h!t, and who has no idea whose sandbox he's playing in... for that, I hope all the more that Watchmen not only succeeds, but thrives in the box office. Alan is being extremely vitriolic against Snyder just because he wants a go at turning Watchmen into a feature film. Alan has IMPECCABLE reason to loathe Hollywood and any large corporation for that matter, but he has to realize not every filmmaker is like Joel Silver. Snyder is doing the best he can to just bring the pages to vivid realization. Let's face it, it was a matter of time until someone tackled Watchmen, even with its "unfilmable" reputation, and I for one am glad we have someone helming it with the cajones to do it right. I'm sure the most hubbub will be over the alteration of the ending.
Let's face it, it was a matter of time until someone tackled Watchmen, even with its "unfilmable" reputation, and I for one am glad we have someone helming it with the cajones to do it right.


good lord

AMEN to BOTH! :rotfl

I've been a Watchmen fan since the
comic first came out in the 80's and
I consider myself an ardent believer
that it is the best comic series ever
created. I, personally, hate it when
comics/books I like are made into
movies, because the path to selling
out usually leads to a watered down,
soulless version of what it is you originally
fell in love with to begin with. But, in
the case of Watchmen, I think it's in
best hands possible. Zach Snyder
comes off as not only a fan, but also
a modest, cool guy as well. I can't
wait to see the full movie.

I was telling a friend that Snyder is
doing such a good job, that when I
played the trailer without sound, I
could still tell exactly what scene it
was and where it appears in the comics.
That's a well made adaptation!