WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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Jackie Earl isn't "fascinatingly ugly"
in these photos at all, but then again,
I never thought Walter Kovacs was in the
comics either. Nonetheless, he's perfect in
these photos! ;)

Such attention to details! The little bandage
on his forehead, the bruise on his eye, the
colour of his prison clothes...AWESOME!!!
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BTW, Clay Enos (the official stills photographer... and the guy who snapped the 1940 Minutemen pic) has joined us over on WCM and is super cool. He's answering pretty much everybody's questions. Apparently, the film is now locked and he's seeing the final Theatrical Cut today.

Do tell. What says he about the final cut?
I can't believe I've stayed away from this thread for so long! It's abosolutely fascinating how true to the book they are being. All the little things like the photographs and the action figures, and of course The New Frontiersmen website! Everything has really come together perfectly and I do not think we could have hoped for a better film!!! :rock
The ENDING revealed!

I need someone to break down what I just read in the above post.

Also, was this illustrated by Gibbons?
You know what? I've digested this... and I like it! A lot. Hell, it's even more provocative and gut-punching than the book's faux alien threat. And, believe me, I know how controversial that opinion will be. I don't care. I have absolutely no problem with this new twist on the moral checkmate.
It adds impact to the moral checkmate in the end, adds some more layers to Manhattan and Adrians final exchange... but I just hope they show the world uniting and it makes sense. That's the main reason I'm taking a wait and see approach.
You know what? I've digested this... and I like it! A lot. Hell, it's even more provocative and gut-punching than the book's faux alien threat. And, believe me, I know how controversial that opinion will be. I don't care. I have absolutely no problem with this new twist on the moral checkmate.

Neither do I. The more I have thought about it, the more it personalizes the ending rather than distances it and renders it enigmatic. It's still an external threat but now involves the characters to an even greater degree, particularly with Dr. M who views all of the events and views Veidt's plan with detached realism. Having M treat Veidt's framing him with that same detachment really speaks of how far removed he is from normalcy. I agree, IJ, no problem here with the altered ending. I like it a lot and I'm curious how they're going to weave it into the fabric of the plot.

Oh, and with the above art... is that Dave Gibbons' handiwork?!?!?! It sure as hell looks it.
As long as Manhattan keeps his detachment about it, then I'm perfectly fine with this. It certainly adds a new layer of character nuance.

BTW, is that map showing that it was not just New York that got attacked, but cities across the globe? That's quite interesting.
Wait a minute. Wasn't everyone against this ending earlier in this thread. I'm pretty sure I remember everyone posting that it doesn't work and that it removes the moral checkmate in the end.
I don't see how it does. The only change seems to be substituting Manhattan for the squid. The moral checkmate remains entirely in tact.
I predict the term "moral checkmate" will be to Watchmen as the term "McGuffin" was to Crystal Skull. Prepare to hear it a lot. :lecture
Too late. It's already the most commonly used term to describe the ending. The term has a nice ring to it, though.
But, why would The Comedian get pushed (literally)
over the edge if Veidt is just going to frame Dr. Manhattan?
I mean, he basically looks out of a window of a plane,
gets curious about the island he sees and finds out
the master plan of the book. His "on that island they
got writers, scientists, artists..." rant seems kinda lame
if all he's doing is framing Dr. Manhattan. How hard can
that be if Tachyons are involved?

I want the "Alien" and I bet we still get it in the end. ;)
It wasn't the alien that spooked The Comedian, it was the mass murder on a scale even he couldn't imagine.
Oh, and with the above art... is that Dave Gibbons' handiwork?!?!?! It sure as hell looks it.
Yep. Snyder had Gibbons do storyboards for certain sequences in the style of the original comics.

BTW, is that map showing that it was not just New York that got attacked, but cities across the globe? That's quite interesting.
Ozy sets off explosions using Manhattan's energy signature in cities all over the world, not just NYC.

Wait a minute. Wasn't everyone against this ending earlier in this thread. I'm pretty sure I remember everyone posting that it doesn't work and that it removes the moral checkmate in the end.
Not me. Some of us have been open-minded about this change from the beginning. I've now come around to accept it entirely.

I predict the term "moral checkmate" will be to Watchmen as the term "McGuffin" was to Crystal Skull. Prepare to hear it a lot. :lecture

Too late. It's already the most commonly used term to describe the ending. The term has a nice ring to it, though.

That's because it's explicitly stated in the book. After explaining the plot to everyone else, Veidt says "Morally, you're in checkmate." It's then that Manhattan, Laurie, and Dan begin to relent and agree to compromise and remain silent. The whole "moral checkmate" isn't some fan-devised aspect... it's literally right there in the source material.

It wasn't the alien that spooked The Comedian, it was the mass murder on a scale even he couldn't imagine.
:lecture :lecture :lecture
I still have the same reservations about the new ending.

Comedian finds out, somehow, about Ozzy's plan to frame Dr. M, killing millions, so Ozzy kills him in a staged break in to keep him quiet until the attack is ready, Ozzy blows up major cities all over the world uniting people against Dr. M and the rest of "The Watchmen". The way to prevent mass nuclear war between 2 sides is a massive preemptive strike with your own WMDs? Bush doctrine, eh?

There's over 4 dozen explosions on that map. Why bother framing Dr. M? Does it even matter if they know Veidt was responsible or not? Surely they are not in a position to retaliate as most major cities are now toast. Why would Dr. M just blow the major cities and not the whole planet if not in some attempt to rid humanity of their capacity to wage mass war on themselves? Would it play out much differently if Veidt abandoned all the subterfuge and humanity knew Ozzy was responsible? After what's left of humanity unites against him would they really return to the previous status of US/USSR imminent war & world destruction, assuming there are even armies or nukes left to wage such a war?

We'll see how it plays out, but it doesn't have the same eloquence to me.
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