WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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There were movies before that had all those things. Like...Blade Runner.

Not exactly the elements I think of when Blade Runner comes to mind.

Are people going to feel the need to defend this movie from any kind of discussion that isn't glowing? I really hope this isn't another TDK in that regard. Even if barbelith's take is accurate about the shortcomings it sounds like there will still be a lot to enjoy. It would be a shame to have to weed through the zealots for some actual discussion.
Thats what I ment. Well shot...ect.

So is The Phantom Menace. And there are some films which are terrible on a purely technical level (hello Kevin Smith) which "work" anyway. It all depends on why you're in the cinema. 300 is a great example because people watching it for X think it's a masterpiece and people watching it for Y think it's a godawful mess.

I would anticipate hardcore "fans" of the graphic novel to realize the difference between reading and understanding what one reads.

Right. With you as one of the MENSA set and the hundreds of thousands of people buying the book at regular bookstores the sheep, I imagine. The book says right there what's happening with the squid. Alan Moore is not an idiot.

If you think TDK became so wildly popular because of its critiques on sociological transmogrification and exploration of sociopathic psychology you would be sorely mistaken.

And if you think TDK has meaningful critiques on sociological transmogrification and exploration of sociopathic psychology you would be sorely mistaken. We can all play the dumb sheep game, you know.
Are people going to feel the need to defend this movie from any kind of discussion that isn't glowing?

Obviously. This is a fan forum, after all. Battling over brands is the nerd equivalent of football.

Even if barbelith's take is accurate about the shortcomings it sounds like there will still be a lot to enjoy.

I compared it to The Golden Compass earlier and I think that's apt. Brilliant book and a hollow yet gorgeous film I still enjoy watching for the design work and bear fights.
So is The Phantom Menace. And there are some films which are terrible on a purely technical level (hello Kevin Smith) which "work" anyway. It all depends on why you're in the cinema. 300 is a great example because people watching it for X think it's a masterpiece and people watching it for Y think it's a godawful mess.

Right. With you as one of the MENSA set and the hundreds of thousands of people buying the book at regular bookstores the sheep, I imagine. The book says right there what's happening with the squid. Alan Moore is not an idiot.

And if you think TDK has meaningful critiques on sociological transmogrification and exploration of sociopathic psychology you would be sorely mistaken. We can all play the dumb sheep game, you know.

Relax friend. No need to be outrightly disparaging. I'm just saying that you're overestimating the public collectively in what they can and can't handle as typical plot elements. Hell, even die hard comic fans don't always like the ending. Though I'll bite, how would allowing for underlying subtext render one an idiot exactly? I'd gather people who aren't in MENSA are equally adept at deciphering plot; you might find it interesting that a high IQ doesn't correlate to logical deduction. ;) Though yes, there is a difference between reading and understanding just as there's a difference between hearing and truly listening. Just throwing that out there. Often it's not what's expressly said which contains far more richness than what is spoken specifically. One might think it insulting, as you aptly put it, to dumb everything down and spell it all out, which thankfully Alan doesn't have a habit of doing.

Since this is a Watchmen movie thread, I don't want to digress on TDK. Though yes, there are a lot of underlying elements in TDK that you might find it interesting to address, such as the morality of actions when viewed from a deontological perspective as opposed to a utilitarian perspective. Even if there weren't glaring overtures made which there are in regular intervals as well as themes, the burden wouldn't be upon me to prove that they did exist, it would be upon you to prove that they did not. ;)

I don't want to have a spat back and forth where we throw grit at each other from different corners of the sand box, and with how long this topic is I don't want the mods to have to censor it just because we don't see eye to eye about the squid. Agree to disagree. Moving on...:duff
RR sign? Pic? I don't have the tpb anymore so I can't look it up...

Here's a reflection of it on cover #5, so it's upside down.

Hmm just watched that trailer where he jumped out the window and I do see a sign saying rumrunner which is cool as it is vertical which would look cool but it's very long. I mean it has the skull and bones on the bottom and top I assume from that pic Darth Waller posted so that is gonna be ^^^^^ to carve out.
No need to be outrightly disparaging.

Just pointing out how silly it is to start calling people sheep.

I'd gather people who aren't in MENSA are equally adept at deciphering plot; you might find it interesting that a high IQ doesn't correlate to logical deduction.

Exactly my point. Hence no need to dumb it down.

Though yes, there are a lot of underlying elements in TDK that you might find it interesting to address, such as the morality of actions when viewed from a deontological perspective as opposed to a utilitarian perspective.

TDK raises questions by virtue of its story points but it doesn't really discuss them. It's actually quite empty of subtext. I enjoy the film, but like The Matrix before it I think the fans are straining a little too hard to pretend it's intellectual.
TDK raises questions by virtue of its story points but it doesn't really discuss them. It's actually quite empty of subtext. I enjoy the film, but like The Matrix before it I think the fans are straining a little too hard to pretend it's intellectual.

Can't say I agree, but I'll stick to Watchmen. I'm sure we can continue the discussion of TDK on our own.:D
The problem with the squid is that, while well done, doesn't really work on the first read through. I myself was pretty "WTF" at it, but I appreciated it a LOT more on my second read through.

But with a movie, that already has time constraints? A bit harder to explain...And if movie goers don't understand something like that their first reaction will be too hate it, especially if the rest of the movie is a garbled mess, and they will most definately NOT be seeing it again in most cases.

Though granted it might be easier since the clues would stick out more in a shorter timeframe...