WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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I don't think that is the reason for the squid not being there, I certainly did not find it confusing, I think the eeason it is chopped is because of time restraint. I mean if the squid would be in it they would have the whole artists who went missing plot in it too and that would take a long time to set up.
I would definitely like to hear his impressions. He has certainly been following this thread but probably needs/wants to take some time to get his thoughts together before sharing them with us.

I sincerely hope that's the case... and not that he suffered a stroke because of how awesome or horrible it was.

Ok, that's just great. :lol
Still, I am very interested to hear what Irish has to say. Not that it will keep me from seeing the movie myself (asked off from work already, and have made a day of it with my buddies.)
I liked the movie. A lot. But... it does feel a tinge like a studio-cut and I can't wait for the Director's Cut & Absolute Editions, I'll say that.

Oh, and the cast is pretty damn solid.

Can't really say much else. I'm under a formal embargo now, and there's a chance I might get to go to L.A. next week for an event and I ain't risking it. :thwak
Oh, I'm alive. I would've posted sooner, but I was out of town over the weekend and have been slammed at work lately, too.

BTW, your image above is priceless. I want that framed on my wall. :lol
Oh, I'm alive. I would've posted sooner, but I was out of town over the weekend and have been slammed at work lately, too.

BTW, your image above is priceless. I want that framed on my wall. :lol

Good to hear you're alive and well, Carl! Can't wait to hear what you thought!
I liked the movie. A lot. But... it does feel a tinge like a studio-cut and I can't wait for the Director's Cut & Absolute Editions, I'll say that.

Oh, and the cast is pretty damn solid.

Can't really say much else. I'm under a formal embargo now, and there's a chance I might get to go to L.A. next week for an event and I ain't risking it. :thwak

That's good. If you can answer, overall would you say it wasn't a massive, style-over-substance dissapointment as it is, that can only get better with extended cuts?
I liked the movie. A lot. But... it does feel a tinge like a studio-cut and I can't wait for the Director's Cut & Absolute Editions, I'll say that.

Oh, and the cast is pretty damn solid.

Can't really say much else. I'm under a formal embargo now, and there's a chance I might get to go to L.A. next week for an event and I ain't risking it. :thwak

Makes sense. Don't want you catching any sass just to give away what we're going to learn for ourselves in under two weeks. Glad to hear from you again! :rock
You wanna know how I feel about this movie? Read Devin's review (just now posted on CHUD), because he and I see WATCHMEN pretty much exactly alike:

That may as well be my review.

This particular passage hits very close to home, for obvious reasons:

It's likely that Haley will get most of the attention - Rorschach tends to hog the spotlight - but the revelation for me was Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian. There are some flaws in Snyder's film and I would say that the biggest is one that comes from the book - The Comedian essentially drops out of the narrative after the first act. In the book it wasn't that big of a deal for me, but the lack of Morgan's presence is intrinsically felt in this movie. He's huge in personality, but never feels over the top. Morgan fills the screen, and The Comedian takes on new aspects for me; there's a roguish charisma that's undeniable, and the dynamic energy of The Comedian - he's the only character who seems to ever really be into what he's doing - is palpable. But since the movie opens with his murder, the structure demands that he eventually disappear. The first act's flashbacks - the dense, information heavy act where we get an info dump on the world of Watchmen - focus mostly on The Comedian, and just like in the book when his funeral is over he moves out of the story, showing up rarely. And it's a shame; if there's any argument for changing the structure of the book it's that losing The Comedian sucks some of the air out of the film for a brief while. For Morgan this is a huge role, one that shows that he has actual movie star quality, even when raping superheroines or shooting pregnant women to death.

Still, small flaws and minor nags aside... it's a rousing success, imho. And it will only get BETTER with the longer cuts forthcoming later this year.
Thats what i'm thinking. Good film in the theaters...but a GREAT film in the directors cuts.

I love being 17. I can see Watchmen every day, since the theater is less then a mile away!
I will be going to the San Francisco Wondercon this coming weekend primarily to attend the Watchmen panel featuring Snyder and the cast. With a bevy of reviews already out, I do expect fans and attendees of the panel to ask about cast and crew reactions to those reviews, be it positive or negative.

I just an interesting review of the film over at Film School Rejects. I liked the review because the reviewer neither condemns the movie nor defends it.
I am hoping to go see Watchmen as soon as I get out of class on the day it opens. The few reviews I have read seemed positive, so I am pumped for the movie.