WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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It's the mass surprise of the sheep, feeling they've been had and becoming confused, that the filmmakers tried to avert.

The insulting arrogance of treating the audience as sheep rather than intelligent human beings says far more about the filmmakers than anything else.
Also, the WCM review has me extremely optimistic... except for the bit about Rorschach's interview with Dr. Long. If that isn't powerful, then Snyder dropped the ball, and for me personally I don't know if I could consider the rest of the movie justified. That was the most shocking, horrific, and gut-wrenching characterization when, as a reader, you find yourself empathizing with Rorschach; you understand why he punishes evil, real evil, in the world, and you root for him to kill that man and render justice. The way Rorschach gradually wears down Dr. Long's hope and optimism, replacing these emotions with a more realistic vision of human nature indelibly tarnished, caked with filth and depravity which can never come clean. If that scene fails, the movie will fail me.

Very well put and I completely agree. This was what worried me most out of that review.
Well, since Meet The Spartans and Epic Movie were both number one at the box office, cant say I blame them.

I could say the same about 300. But the fact is that people engage with things for many reasons and films that I find idiotic have meaning for other people, and they probably realize they aren't watching Shakespeare.

I thought of a decent analogy for this film last night. It's The Golden Compass.
The insulting arrogance of treating the audience as sheep rather than intelligent human beings says far more about the filmmakers than anything else.

It's not an insult to say the ignorant are ignorant. People would have been thrown for a loop with the squid; to say otherwise is to give the average movie goer far too much credit. To have kept it would have been to solidify the story, appease the comic book community, and alienate a large number of the hoi polloi. Meh.
I could say the same about 300. But the fact is that people engage with things for many reasons and films that I find idiotic have meaning for other people, and they probably realize they aren't watching Shakespeare.

I thought of a decent analogy for this film last night. It's The Golden Compass.

Well.....300 atleast was well no you cant say that.

The ____ Movies are pure trash, and arent even well constructed movies.

I'm a high school kid, I go to school with high schoolers. You know what kinds of movies they like? Stupid, unfunny trash like Ghost Rider, and Epic Movie. And since those people are the biggest money givers....:banghead
This film will tread a difficult line. There are the diehards, the fanboys who in reality no matter what was on screen will be disappointed. The WCM review states quite specifically that its almost page to page like the graphic novel yet still leaves something to be desired. There will be some who know nothing who are expecting a Superman, Batman popcorn flick and be disappointed. As long as Synder treated the characters with respect I'll be happy because in reality as much as Watchmen fans want it to be as powerful and strong as it was when you first picked up the GN or individual comic that tall order was probably never gonna happen.
It'll be a fun thread for sure. But hey, if you dont like it, you dont like it. No one can tell you otherwise.
This film will tread a difficult line. There are the diehards, the fanboys who in reality no matter what was on screen will be disappointed. The WCM review states quite specifically that its almost page to page like the graphic novel yet still leaves something to be desired. There will be some who know nothing who are expecting a Superman, Batman popcorn flick and be disappointed. As long as Synder treated the characters with respect I'll be happy because in reality as much as Watchmen fans want it to be as powerful and strong as it was when you first picked up the GN or individual comic that tall order was probably never gonna happen.

:clap :clap :clap
Hey guys I am working on a street dio for my DA Rorschach and other future figures and I kinda want to make a lightup sign but can't seem to find any pics of a small lighted sign that is appropriate, anyone have any ideas?
Well.....300 atleast was well no you cant say that.

I disagree 300 was well made. It was well shot, but that's not the same thing. And while some people go to movies for spectacle and not, say, realistic characters with plausible motivations, others go for a laugh and not, say, technique on the level of Citizen Kane. So no, I don't think we can single out Meet the Spartans without qualifying the discussion.
But not, presumably, all of us superior beings who read the book. :rolleyes:

I would anticipate hardcore "fans" of the graphic novel to realize the difference between reading and understanding what one reads. For those of us who have sat down lovingly with the book literally dozens of times over the years, bonded with the characters, carefully analyzed the plot dynamics, and probed for philosophical insight, I would say the squid would have been palatable for us, though not to people lacking familiarity with the story and events. I warn every friend who plans on seeing the film NOT to go into it without having read the graphic novel and established an appreciation for the work. Seems glaringly remiss to walk into a movie like this unknowledgeable and find the end result abstruse. If you think TDK became so wildly popular because of its critiques on sociological transmogrification and exploration of sociopathic psychology you would be sorely mistaken. Just saying, your average guy sitting down with a tub of popcorn and the lady from behind the counter at Quick Stop isn't going to understand what makes the Squid important to the story, and the framing of Osterman will seem more sensible to them. If it were me, I would have taken the risk and kept the squid in, but I understand why it remains absent.

Anyone talked with IJ...?