WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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Now ok. Lets get back to the ending issue. Someone brought up an intresting point about the squidlessness...

mean, come on, a dude discovers an island where a kidnapped team of people are working on a nightmarish alien force unleashing a psychic wave of terror...

Or a big energy blast - how *beep* g ay.

For actual fans of the graphic novel and not the blissfully ignorant, trolls, plain stpuid of us, how did you feel knowing that there was something that was so terrible that it caused a man who is an icon of ammorality to fall to his knees crying like a child. Remember how the groundwork gripped you into wanting to know what horrors lie on that island so badly. Now imagine all of this about a big bad energy explosion.

Sounds like hardcore ^^^^^in...but he makes a decent point. What could happen in those scenes now?

Like I said, im going to wait and see.
Whatever. Destroying 1/3 of NYC and killing millions of innocent people is hardly small potatoes. Some purist fans are just way too dead-set against any climax that does not include the Giant Alien Vagina Squid. These folks need to chill out with a nice glass of wine (or is it "whine") and a plate of Calamari. :lol
Whatever. Destroying 1/3 of NYC and killing millions of innocent people is hardly small potatoes. Some purist fans are just way too dead-set against any climax that does not include the Giant Alien Vagina Squid. These folks need to chill out with a nice glass of wine (or is it "whine") and a plate of Calamari. :lol

Oh I agree. I just thought it was something to think aboot.
Looks like even more new footage tomorrow night!

MTV’s ‘Spoilers’ Movie Show To Feature Exclusive Previews Of ‘Watchmen,’ ‘The Spirit’ Friday Night

Published by Rick Marshall on Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 12:07 pm.

Set your alarm clock for this Friday at 7:30 p.m. ET/PT, folks, as MTV’s new movie show “Spoilers” premieres — and there’s a lot for Splash Page readers to like about this debut episode. While every episode of “Spoilers” will be packed with ridiculous amounts of first-look previews, footage, featurettes and set visits from the most-anticipated upcoming films, the “Spoilers” premiere will include early peeks at two of the most talked-about films in the comics scene: “Watchmen” and “The Spirit.”

<embed src="" width="512" height="319" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashVars="" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="."></embed><div style="margin:0;text-align:center;width:500px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><a href="" style="color:#439CD8;" target="_blank">MTV Shows</a></div>

This won't be the same trailer, as it was mentioned on their report of the trailer itself.
Sooooo, Rorschach seems to be doing his best Batman voice. It'll be interesting to see how many complaints that draws. I was also hoping the God of all matter would have a little deeper voice. Besides that I liked the new trailer. I swear Edward Morgan Blake and Javier Bardem are brothers.
The purpose of this trailer is simply to explain the overall idea/plot of the film for mass audiences who know nothing of WATCHMEN. It makes perfect sense when you view it in that regard.

The teaser (and especially the SpikeTV Scream footage reel) were clearly cut with WATCHMEN fans in mind first. Now they have to sell it to everyone else.

That's how I saw it as well... Still loved it though, even with the exposition and a not as awesome song. I can't wait for this movie. :rock
Sooooo, Rorschach seems to be doing his best Batman voice. It'll be interesting to see how many complaints that draws. I was also hoping the God of all matter would have a little deeper voice. Besides that I liked the new trailer. I swear Edward Morgan Blake and Javier Bardem are brothers.

I always imagined Rorshach's voice to sound like that, and after watching the animated Watchmen Motion comic on iTunes, I assume that's how his voice is supposed to sound. I don't know how else he's supposed to sound, judging by his character. Batman didn't invent the gravely, growling voice.

I don't mind Manhattan's voice. I'd rather they not add any processing to Crudup's work (well, not aurally, at least).

Okay, there's a carryover from 300 I see in this trailer (and the first Watchmen trailer) that I do not like: overuse of slow-motion cinematography. Not every action sequence has to be slowed down for the audience to appreciate the choreography, Mr. Snyder (again, 300).
I always imagined Rorshach's voice to sound like that, and after watching the animated Watchmen Motion comic on iTunes, I assume that's how his voice is supposed to sound. I don't know how else he's supposed to sound, judging by his character. Batman didn't invent the gravely, growling voice.

I don't mind Manhattan's voice. I'd rather they not add any processing to Crudup's work (well, not aurally, at least).

Okay, there's a carryover from 300 I see in this trailer (and the first Watchmen trailer) that I do not like: overuse of slow-motion cinematography. Not every action sequence has to be slowed down for the audience to appreciate the choreography, Mr. Snyder (again, 300).

I guess you didn't get the point in my post. I never said anyone invented a voice. Only that with the way everyone complains about Bale's Batman voice and Healy's Rorscharch voice is virtually identical it will be interesting to see if these same people take issue with it as well.

I agree about the slow motion. Hopefully it's just for the trailers.
Surely there are other movie characters out there who sound like Bale Batman. How many times do you hear the comparisons? Not many, at least, from where I'm sitting. I don't think there will be any complaints. People had issues with the Bat-voice because it was unlike anything they've heard before in the previous Batman incarnations, whether it be live-action or animated. I don't see that problem with Rorshach.

I didn't think of Batman once while watching either Watchmen trailers, and honestly I don't think they sound alike (especially in Rorshach's "I'll whisper, NO" line).
I have no problem with Rorschach's voice and it actually makes more sense than Bale's Batman voice, because Kovacs/Rorschach is a full-on sociopath who has lost it. And it doesn't even seem/sound as forced as Bale's anyway.
I have no problem with Rorschach's voice and it actually makes more sense than Bale's Batman voice, because Kovacs/Rorschach is a full-on sociopath who has lost it. And it doesn't even seem/sound as forced as Bale's anyway.

I'm actually tired of people trying that "I hated his voice" contention. It's meant to be a growl that intimidates. It ties in with the primal, bestial aspect established in the first film. It makes sense in the context and it works.

An excellent observation that Rorschach's voice sounds much the same way, which is oddly exactly as I imagined it. The idea behind that low growl of a voice is the same as Batman's. Intimidation. Rorschach doesn't mince words, he gets the job done; if that means he needs to break a few bones or thrown someone down an elevator shaft, he's on it. The biggest and burliest out on the street are fearful of him... and as we know, even those locked away who think they have the upper hand come to know better. Can't have a man who thrives on instilling fear in criminality sounding like the guy nextdoor.

It will be interesting to see those who won't complain about Rorschach's voice but complained about Bats's. If anyone takes a serious gripe with it though, I may puke in my mouth.
I'm actually tired of people trying that "I hated his voice" contention. It's meant to be a growl that intimidates. It ties in with the primal, bestial aspect established in the first film. It makes sense in the context and it works.

An excellent observation that Rorschach's voice sounds much the same way, which is oddly exactly as I imagined it. The idea behind that low growl of a voice is the same as Batman's. Intimidation. Rorschach doesn't mince words, he gets the job done; if that means he needs to break a few bones or thrown someone down an elevator shaft, he's on it. The biggest and burliest out on the street are fearful of him... and as we know, even those locked away who think they have the upper hand come to know better. Can't have a man who thrives on instilling fear in criminality sounding like the guy nextdoor.

It will be interesting to see those who won't complain about Rorschach's voice but complained about Bats's. If anyone takes a serious gripe with it though, I may puke in my mouth.

Well said sir. I've always been one of the rare few that actually love Bale's Bat voice. IMO outside of Healy and Bale obviously being two different people the voice sounds almost identical. Anywho, back to the Watchmen.
The Slo Mo stays. Thats Snyder's style. And since every action movie now, has the Bourne Style....I pefer to actually see the fights.