WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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I have no problem with Rorschach's voice and it actually makes more sense than Bale's Batman voice, because Kovacs/Rorschach is a full-on sociopath who has lost it. And it doesn't even seem/sound as forced as Bale's anyway.

I agree and I think what helps is that, although it deals with realistic themes, Watchmen is not trying to look "real." I think Bale's voice seems silly in TDK because it's extremely affected in an otherwise mundane looking (and sounding) movie. Until that aesthetic goes off the rails w/ Harvey's face, but that's another discussion...

I was happy to hear Manhattan's voice the way Snyder described it - deliberately normal.

:rotfl Rorschach's extortion knows no bounds... particularly when it comes to plums...:naughty

I also like Dr. Manhattan's voice. He's this virtually omnipotent and omniscent being who is otherwise well-meaning, but seems to lack common sense; he just has still more knowledge where he should have common sense. I have friends like that (minus the omnipotent and omniscent part). This is a guy I feel I've been hanging out with for years. :D

Really, though, he's this benign (no pun intended) individual who just seeks to acquire more knowledge; that's what makes Laurie so important in the story with Jon. His loving connection to her is, in many ways, his last vestige of true humanity.
I just always figured with the accident and all his vocal cords would have been affected as well, so the voice I always imagined in my head didn't sound like jo shmo.
I just always figured with the accident and all his vocal cords would have been affected as well, so the voice I always imagined in my head didn't sound like jo shmo.

See, I'm not so sure, since he walked around with the sign and having people just think him an apocalyptic nutjob; might have been telling to some of the ilk who wandered the street if this guy had the voice of Rorschach. Then again, it is very hard to infer from just print, and we know that he is startling to the man who runs the newsstand when he approaches him from behind unexpectedly... maybe it has something to do with his voice, or maybe just because he's a creepy sort of guy. I'll be curious to see how the movie handles it, but I like to think of the gruff voice as part of who he is when he dons the mask of Rorschach, otherwise using a regular voice when walking about in public as this hobo predicting the end of the world.
Just now got to finally sit down and watch the trailer and I couldn't wait to get back here and see all the inevitable comments about the "Batman" voice. It didn't bother me and it fit what I expected of the character, but to be honest I did think of Bale when I first heard it. But that's not a negative.

At any rate, that was a great trailer!
I like the slow-motion. I think for graphic novel adaptions that it helps to create thepanels of action. It adds an emphasis on the action. I'm sure it'll be less than 300 though.
I like the slow-motion. I think for graphic novel adaptions that it helps to create thepanels of action. It adds an emphasis on the action. I'm sure it'll be less than 300 though.

It will be less. There's not as much action here as in 300.

Oh, and one more thing... just for the record:

Rorschach > Batman
I can watch it over and over again. going to post it here so I don't have to go to another site

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Damn, i keep watching the trailer but at the same time i don't want to see anymore so that i don't ruin what it going to look like.

Looks like the guy who plays Rorschach copied the way Alan Moore reads it as.
One thing that troubled me during Spider-Man was the inability to see the faces of Spidey and the Green Goblin. When the entire face is covered up and you can't see the mouth move, it can feel like Power Rangers with a celebrity voice over. In the following two films, they tried to go for villains with faces (except for six minutes of Venom) and gave Spidey every opportunity to remove his mask so that we were seeing a human face as often as possible.

One good thing about Batman on screen is that you can see Bale's eyes and mouth and you get enough of a sense of the actor beneath the mask. Rorschach doesn't have that going for him--we won't have eyes or mouth to connect to while he speaks. People will naturally focus on the voice because that's primarily what they're being given. Thankfully, they cast someone who was good for the part rather than a big name celebrity whose voice would really stick out. I don't think that Jackie Earle Haley's voice or acting will be distracting--he'll do a good job and once you settle in to the film (rather than a few seconds of a trailer) everything will work fine in context.
One thing that troubled me during Spider-Man was the inability to see the faces of Spidey and the Green Goblin. When the entire face is covered up and you can't see the mouth move, it can feel like Power Rangers with a celebrity voice over. In the following two films, they tried to go for villains with faces (except for six minutes of Venom) and gave Spidey every opportunity to remove his mask so that we were seeing a human face as often as possible.

One good thing about Batman on screen is that you can see Bale's eyes and mouth and you get enough of a sense of the actor beneath the mask. Rorschach doesn't have that going for him--we won't have eyes or mouth to connect to while he speaks. People will naturally focus on the voice because that's primarily what they're being given. Thankfully, they cast someone who was good for the part rather than a big name celebrity whose voice would really stick out. I don't think that Jackie Earle Haley's voice or acting will be distracting--he'll do a good job and once you settle in to the film (rather than a few seconds of a trailer) everything will work fine in context.

Not a concern. Consider Rorschach's ever-changing ink blots on the mask. That will get peoples' attention and prevent it from being someone talking beneath a stagnant mask or helmet.

Also, you can actually see him forming the words beneath the mask much moreso than in Spider-Man. Watch the shot in the trailer where he says "Maybe someone's picking off costumed heroes." It's great.
God I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hate them calling the group Watchmen

Yeah, I don't like it, either... but I have to think it won't be as prominent in the film as it seems in the trailer (the purpose of which is to introduce the masses to the story).

But, yeah, there never was a Watchmen in the book. It was Minutemen (in the 40's) and then The Crimebusters... but the Crimebusters only ever had that one meeting. There wasn't an organized group and the only real partners were Rorschach and Nite Owl.

It also appears as if they've gotten rid of Captain Metropolis as the organizer of The Crimebusters and made that Ozymandias, which would be really odd.
I dont mind it. It never expected and 100% conversion from comic to film, and a lot of the changes are made for the mases, dumbed down. Its cool with me, I know whats what and thats all that matters.
I dont mind it. It never expected and 100% conversion from comic to film, and a lot of the changes are made for the mases, dumbed down. Its cool with me, I know whats what and thats all that matters.

Oh, I'm with ya. Unlike Rorschach, I will accept some compromises for the greater good. :peace
Oh, I'm with ya. Unlike Rorschach, I will accept some compromises for the greater good. :peace

:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

From what I have read and seen we are getting about a 90%-95% conversion, that is more than enough for me!!

On the voices issue, Rorschach sounded pretty much exactly as he sounded in my head as I read, like he is talking through clinched teeth all the time, and for the most part John too.

When I read John, in my head his voice was very soft and monotone, free of emotional ups and downs, almost a whisper. Like someone who has taken way to much oxycodone :lol Seriously though :cool:

Satisfied and both counts.