WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

From what I have read and seen we are getting about a 90%-95% conversion, that is more than enough for me!!

On the voices issue, Rorschach sounded pretty much exactly as he sounded in my head as I read, and for the most part John too.

When I read John, in my head his voice was very soft and monotone, free of emotional ups and downs, almost a whisper. Like someone who has taken way to much oxycodone :lol Seriously though :cool:

Satisfied and both counts.

Same here. And the notion is that Dr. Manhattan can sound however he wants to, so he chooses to sound "normal" to make it easier for those around him. However, we can already see that he can sound different when he needs to... the "Leave me alone!!!" bit in the trailer was also perfect and right out of the book. I imagine he'll also sound different when he's 50 feet tall.
Same here. And the notion is that Dr. Manhattan can sound however he wants to, so he chooses to sound "normal" to make it easier for those around him. However, we can already see that he can sound different when he needs to... the "Leave me alone!!!" bit in the trailer was also perfect and right out of the book. I imagine he'll also sound different when he's 50 feet tall.

Yeah, the "Leave me alone!!" was perfect.

Damn it, I wish the was out already :banghead
See, I'm not so sure, since he walked around with the sign and having people just think him an apocalyptic nutjob; might have been telling to some of the ilk who wandered the street if this guy had the voice of Rorschach. Then again, it is very hard to infer from just print, and we know that he is startling to the man who runs the newsstand when he approaches him from behind unexpectedly... maybe it has something to do with his voice, or maybe just because he's a creepy sort of guy. I'll be curious to see how the movie handles it, but I like to think of the gruff voice as part of who he is when he dons the mask of Rorschach, otherwise using a regular voice when walking about in public as this hobo predicting the end of the world.

I was referring to Jon's voice.
Gotta love the first half of the trailer using Phillip Glass' "Pruit Igoe." It was also used in the first GTA IV trailer earlier this year if anyone is wondering where they probably heard it before.
I am going to the unthinkable and actually tune my TV into MTV tonight to watch this "Spoilers" show with the new WATCHMEN footage.

I'll then immediately take a hot shower and burn the clothes I was wearing.
Gotta love the first half of the trailer using Phillip Glass' "Pruit Igoe." It was also used in the first GTA IV trailer earlier this year if anyone is wondering where they probably heard it before.

Thanks for that. I knew it was Philip Glass, I just didn't know which song. I think I even own the CD.
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I am going to the unthinkable and actually tune my TV into MTV tonight to watch this "Spoilers" show with the new WATCHMEN footage.

I'll then immediately take a hot shower and burn the clothes I was wearing.

WAIT.WAIT.WAIT.WAIT.WAIT. You mean that MTV showed something other than reality shows?????
Thanks for that. I knew it was Philip Glass, I just didn't know which song. I think I even own the CD.

It's track 6 on the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack. Also, the music in the very beginning of the trailer (Blake's apt) is from "Prophecies" (Track 8) and was also used in the SDCC footage and may actually be used in the film for when Rorschach is investigating.

I just watched the MTV stuff, by the way. Total waste of time.
It's track 6 on the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack. Also, the music in the very beginning of the trailer (Blake's apt) is from "Prophecies" (Track 8) and was also used in the SDCC footage and may actually be used in the film for when Rorschach is investigating.

I just watched the MTV stuff, by the way. Total waste of time.

Yeah, I just checked... I do have the CD. :lol

What did they show on MTV?
What did they show on MTV?


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Pretty cool, but not at all worth all the hullabaloo, imho.

And is it just me or does it look like Ozy is wearing a Jedi robe in that one shot?
Alright you know someone from this movie is going to break out after it's release and become mainstream, I've always thought Patrick Wilson was right on the cusp of breaking out at any minute but I'm not sure this will be it for him. I think this will be Jeffrey Dean Morgan's coming out party though.
Alright you know someone from this movie is going to break out after it's release and become mainstream, I've always thought Patrick Wilson was right on the cusp of breaking out at any minute but I'm not sure this will be it for him. I think this will be Jeffrey Dean Morgan's coming out party though.

Completely agree. JDM will steal the show along with Jackie Earle Haley.

I think Billy Crudup will do an ok job, but I keep hearing Tom Stechshulte's voice, who reads the Watchmen motion comic, when I see Dr. M.
I was searching online earlier for some set pics for a side project and came across this cool pic of Dave Gibbons on the Minutemen/Crimebusters HQ set that for some reason I'd never seen before. Look... Dollar Bill's costume (complete with blood stains and bullet holes)!!!:


:rock :rock :rock
I was searching online earlier for some set pics for a side project and came across this cool pic of Dave Gibbons on the Minutemen/Crimebusters HQ set that for some reason I'd never seen before. Look... Dollar Bill's costume (complete with blood stains and bullet holes)!!!:


:rock :rock :rock

NICE !!!! Always good to see that stuff.

Wonder if Alan Moore was secretly in the background trying to burn the place down.......
It's occurred to me that there is just an incredible amount of detailed props and set decor for this film that could probably justify some type of official museum showing (like they've done with the Star Wars props in recent years). Maybe even a small tour? I hope they at least consider something like that. It was an amazing thrill seeing the Owl Ship at SDCC (and being able to peek inside was one of the coolest geek moments ever)... to see all the other stuff (costumes, props, set pieces, etc) would just be amazing.

At the very least, I hope one of the upcoming Titan books on the film (there are three) has a lot of this stuff sufficiently archived in photos.
Chapter 5 of the motion comic, maybe my favorite chapter, came out today. :banana