WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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I'm sorry to be mean or a jerk, but you actually paid attention to her acting?

That reminds me of a brief conversation I had with my wife while we were waiting to be let in to the theater:

Wife: "I'm used to going out at 3 am and doing something stupid."

Me: "What the hell are you talking about.

Wife *points to poster*

Me: "What?"

Wife: "That's what it says on that poster."

Me: "That poster has words on it?"
to be honest based on a correlation that I did among friends or people I know, they all think that good actresses are usuually ugly.. so when they see a hot actress they don't even bother to pay attention to their acting. i.e megan fox.. but IMHO shes hot and all but I don't find her EXTREMELY attractive. depends on the flick. Yes, acting in Watchmen was more important then ****s. So i was paying attention. But for a film like Transformers? HA! depends on the flick. Yes, acting in Watchmen was more important then ****s. So i was paying attention. But for a film like Transformers? HA!

:lol Ditto...

Malin did a serviceable job... I just wanted more emotional punch in a few scenes. But I can do without, just my personal preference... like some like Dr. Manhattan with a booming voice, I don't..
Well...first off, let me mention that I never read the "Watchmen" comic books before going to see this film so I did not have any preconceptions on weather or not it's "true to the source" or whatever. What I saw was a damned fine movie that entertained, had a good script, was visually compelling and made me want to know more about that'll be picking up a copy of that graphic novel now and checking it out.

From the opening credits which so effectively set up the "world" this story takes place in to the well done ending, this movie moves at a decent pace and had a good cast inhabiting these unique characters. Not only did Snyder set up the whole '80s feel with the environment , the music and the story, but the characters themselves took me back thing about that time that I remember too well is that it was filled with movies and news about attractive people acting really unattractive (for movies think "Fatal Attraction", for people think Reagan-era government) and this movie conveyed that feeling well with despicable characters like the Comedian or pathetically tragic ones like Rorscach...made watching them go through this story even more fascinating to me.

One intrusion on this "alternate world" was the use of pop songs from the period...I kind of agree with Dave here...maybe the better tact would have been to have cover versions of some of these tunes where the artists gave them a slightly skewered take on them...and that one musical moment that fell totally flat was that use of "Ride of the Valkyries" (I know you liked it Dave, but I wasn't the only one in the theater where I saw it that either laughed uncomfortably or just groaned during that just kicked me out of the movie for a moment). The only other thing that did NOT work for me was that awful Nixon impersonator...a giant rubber nose and bad make-up isn't quite enough to convince...sorry, but that guy stopped the movie cold every time he came on...especially sad considering how often he pops up...

I definitely recommend this movie to anyone looking for a good yarn put together with style...I plan on seeing it again just to soak in more of the great detail and nuances in the, if the graphic novel is anything like this, it'll provide me with many good reads as well...

Well done, Synder...congratulations on a fine film!
Ride of the Valkyries has a different meaning to those who read the book.....its a sort joke for the fans.
just got back... LOVED it. a solid 8 out of 10.... being a huge fan of the gn, i was very weary, but i really think they did the story and GN justice.

My only major gripe with the movie was that i wish they would have fleshed out and exagerated Silks hate for the comedian more. i mean they touched upon it but her hate and the general audiences knowledge of the hate wasnt where it should have been, IMO. this woulda made the whole reveal scene ten times better. in the movie, we know she didnt really like the guy because of what he did to silk I, but in the GN, the relationship, hatred, dread and ill will silk had were so well described that we knew that she would prolly kill 100000 innocent people just to get the privledge to inflict the same pain on to him as he did to her mom. Just didnt get the same feeling at the cinema....

Also the Gore was NOT that bad. By todays standards it was a tiny bit above average, but in no way was it a negative. remember guys it was a watchmen movie, not superman returns or fantastic 4. The only scene that may have been toned down a bit was the sex scene in archie. (not that im complaining) but i can see someones argument for thinking it was overkill

the opening credits and first 15 minutes of the film were amazing, the assasination scene, the song, flashbacks, pacing, were all fantastic and i didnt know that the director had it in him... the movie was very good on a whole, but the start really blew me away...

I didnt really mind the absence of the night owl death, since were prolly going to get it in the DC.

The change to the final scene was great in my opinion, as i shudder to think what the mainstreamers would have to say about a 300 foot squid in the middle of the city, not to mention alot of time was cut out of not having to explain it. not only did it not hurt, but i think it helped flesh out doc manhattans character even more.

I also felt that they should have explained ozys pet lynx for the non watchmen fans, as im positive many were confused when she came out of no where....

All i know is that at the end of the day, we have a watchmen movie that is not only NOT A DISGRACE, which many thought it would be, be was PRETTY DARN GOOD!!!, while getting love from both fanboys and newbies. This is a good day my friends....
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8.5 out of 10!......I'm fine with the changing of the ending but it was too long and I needed to pee so bad!....great acting from actors who played Rorschach, Oz and the who wants to do some vigelante-ing!??.....I'll supply costumes but no insurance and dental benefits!......come on, anyone up for it!?...
Its on every single day.....except on a channel I dont have. :(

Is it better then Platoon? Or Full Metal Jacket? Love both of i'm curious.