Statue Weta Announces Barad-Dur

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Well, it's gonna be more. I'd be shocked if it wasn't let me rephrase that and the folks from Weta (specifically Dave Tremont the sculptor) said its the most detailed piece they've ever done. Having seen them both I'd totally agree.
Actually, I thought the way I understood thing is that the material in order to catch the proper detail was more expensive than polystone.
Actually, I thought the way I understood thing is that the material in order to catch the proper detail was more expensive than polystone.

Correct,and you have to remember your paying for all the hours that went into this,not just the money value of the materials used for each one,Dave Tremont got to eat :lol
Correct,and you have to remember your paying for all the hours that went into this,not just the money value of the materials used for each one,Dave Tremont got to eat :lol

After the trouble he had to go through to make this I'm ok with that :lol
after all the weta hoopla marketing about rivendell crafted using tiles & details, then ended up with a plastic roof and crooked buildings. I am wary of this piece but curious what the price & es is.

If it's a limited low es & reasonable price, will consider taking the risk.
I don't have many points to use on this one, so I'm hoping the price point is a little lower. I think it'll really depend on whether there is an ex. that is something more than just numbering, if not, I may wait a bit to order this one.
Anyone know which page to even check for this on? I really with they sent a link and at least some details of price and ES. Still I am not sure what to even refresh, main page or lotr page under the shop??
Anyone know which page to even check for this on? I really with they sent a link and at least some details of price and ES. Still I am not sure what to even refresh, main page or lotr page under the shop??

Should be the main page. This isn't going to sell out in minutes so you have time. :wave
Ordered! Price is higher than I though but this is a must buy. Will look amazing with all the other environments. :yess: glad I had 150 weta bucks to use...that helped ease the pain a bit. :monkey3
Yeah I threw in an order because it doesnt cost anything to see what happens. But man this is high.
not a chance. That hunk is NOT worth 700. It's not THAT much bigger than orthanc, and that thing is still available for 250.

i could have seen 400.. might have even bit for 500 because of the detail level..
but 700?

I'm fine.

I was planning on picking up orthanc as a companion for this too. So the crazy pricing just lost them a sure sale on that too. Oh well.
$700 wow that is just pure silliness......................

And I thought $250 for Orthanc was for it as I can take the $700 and do other things with it, $700.......ouch
Well - you do earn 70 weta $ and with what I have already I can get the last two pieces of the fellowship for nothing. So all in all no doubt here.