Statue Weta Announces Barad-Dur

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It's just a preauth. It will fall off in a few days there is nothing and I mean nothing fishy about what's going on.

nope...but it hurts and for some who need the doe it's scary as hell
I agree it hurts. I'm not a fan of Pre-Auths to be honest but it is what it is.

My concern is when we get to the release of the hobbit stuff and if all of that goes up for order at once. You won't be able to place orders for it because of charges and Pre-Auths.
Yeah, there's nothing terrible about it, I know. But they really should write that they have the preauth in their pre-order procedure. Especially in case if their client uses debit card. They've wrote "No payment would be charged" for 2 times, but nothing about this god-damned reauthorisation. No, really, I'm screwed up with my debt now, will have one very unpleasant conversation this week.

And the funny thing! Check it out! :D It's like the cherry on the top of the cake. My card expires on 09.2012, so I will change it anyway. XD
Weta's response seemed to be that its YOUR debit card that's at fault. I agree about the onslaught of Hobbit material, bad news for those using debit. Really on the fence about BD the more I think about it. 699 just makes little sense in the grand scheme of things.
They said the app works by recognizing the shape of the tower (there's no electronics inside the statue). So it should work. Apparently it even works on random pictures of Barad-dur. As long as the background doesn't throw off the pattern recognition.

Cool. Anyone try it with Orthanc yet? I wonder if the top of the tower is close enough...
At Shadow and Flame someone has explained that it happens with all the cards. With the debit card you are going to see it inmediatly, but with the credit cards only if you have spent all your credit before they return you the money of the preauth.
Come on $700? thats way to much, was thinking of getting this but forget it now,:( with $700 I could get a lot more.
Way too expensive compared to Rivendell.
Sculpting time on one side but mass production on the other.
Paintjob, glueing etc is much more time taking then painting a black tower with some lava.
I fully understand and accept the policy of pre-authorization, but any holds that I've ever seen on any of my accounts have been $1.00 just to verify the account - never the whole amount. For Weta to pretty much just wash their hands of it by saying that it's not them taking the money is irresponsible in my opinion. When all is said and done it all leads back to them. I've been collecting statues etc... for over ten years and have never come across anything like this. I've also worked in sales/distribution for twenty years and know that you want to make the whole ordering process as easy as possible for your customers, so this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. :dunno
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So... zee story continues. ))) T_T

Customer support told me that it is my bank who took on HOLD the whole amount.

I went into my bank (one of 3 biggest banks in Russia). And they told me that the NZ bank made the whole transaction operation, but without accepting money from their side. So my funds will come back to me only on the 22th of August when the 2 weeks HOLD status expires // or NZ bank would cancel my transaction, in this case I'll get my money immediately. And they gave me the inside transaction ID code, so I could ask for cancellation.

I've just wrote to the WETA customer support again. Let's see what they will do.

It all looks like ignorance testing of the check-out system. And the funny thing is that I really want to buy this tower. And I see no reason why they're pulling me through all these circles of hell with my money which I need this Friday.

NAZGUL-KING, yes! One dollar is more than enough to check the card. PayPal takes 1 buck, BBTS does. But 886 - it's just ridiculous!
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Looking at this this should have been no more than 499..period...The credit thing stinks too
So... zee story continues. ))) T_T

Customer support told me that it is my bank who took on HOLD the whole amount.

I went into my bank (one of 3 biggest banks in Russia). And they told me that the NZ bank made the whole transaction operation, but without accepting money from their side. So my funds will come back to me only on the 22th of August when the 2 weeks HOLD status expires // or NZ bank would cancel my transaction, in this case I'll get my money immediately. And they gave me the inside transaction ID code, so I could ask for cancellation.

I've just wrote to the WETA customer support again. Let's see what they will do.

It all looks like ignorance testing of the check-out system. And the funny thing is that I really want to buy this tower. And I see no reason why they're pulling me through all these circles of hell with my money which I need this Friday.

NAZGUL-KING, yes! One dollar is more than enough to check the card. PayPal takes 1 buck, BBTS does. But 886 - it's just ridiculous!

2 weeks?!?! Christ!! :horror
I was hoping it would only be a few days. :slap
Yes they likely took the 800 dollars and invested it for 2 weeks. I'm beginning to think BD won't sell out for a long, long time since I haven't read a single post anywhere online that thinks this is actually worth the price people are willing to pay, and in the end they may decide not to.
The first Ebay auctions will be interesting once BD is released and possibly not sold out at that time.
Yes they likely took the 800 dollars and invested it for 2 weeks. I'm beginning to think BD won't sell out for a long, long time since I haven't read a single post anywhere online that thinks this is actually worth the price people are willing to pay, and in the end they may decide not to.

I think this is worth the price and am really excited to add it to my collection. If you can't afford it there's no reason to trash the item or the company. :monkey3
I think this is worth the price and am really excited to add it to my collection. If you can't afford it there's no reason to trash the item or the company. :monkey3

Do you think I would trash the item or the company?

Remember, i'm a Weta freak, but I have some perspective - $700 is a ridiculous amount, think what you could do with that vs this dust-collector.

And by the way i think the sculpt, and the company who made it, are nothing but beautiful, but c'mon..... $700, and the pre-auth nonsense...