Statue Weta Announces Barad-Dur

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True, not by much as this lineup does not have 3 movies out helping it out, game changed,not by much, demand, maybe, 6 months from now, I would not be shocked.......

The game has changed a lot. I don't know how active you are anymore but it's not even close to how things used to be for really any license. These great pieces a few year ago would have sold out within a day or two tops but now it might take a mont or two.
The game has changed a lot. I don't know how active you are anymore but it's not even close to how things used to be for really any license. These great pieces a few year ago would have sold out within a day or two tops but now it might take a mont or two.

Actually still interested as Sideshow is putting out some real nice pieces now and affordable :wink1: The Snow Troll is on preorder as well as the new twilight WiKi, both grgeat additions to my vast collection and now with the helm line getting started, I am more active now then in the past 5 or so years......
Actually still interested as Sideshow is putting out some real nice pieces now and affordable :wink1: The Snow Troll is on preorder as well as the new twilight WiKi, both grgeat additions to my vast collection and now with the helm line getting started, I am more active now then in the past 5 or so years......

It's a good time to get back in IMO. :hi5:
One point about the moaning. Weta did in fact respond to all the absolute shock and disgust in the collector community when they announced the Howe line as a series of 6000 dollar bronzes ONLY. I ordered Smaug and then Weta responded to customer outcry and decided to do a faux bronze edition. In addition they lowered the price of the bronzes from 6000 to 4500 dollars (now back up to 4900). No I don't think the criticism of BD will change anything this time since they clearly have action at this price point.

One thing I dont get is the change in strategy from that used on Orthanc and Rivendell - a limited numbered series and then an open edition thereafter. Just from a curiosity standpoint I'd be interested in how the psychology would work if they did 300 ES at 499 and then unlimited numbered at 449 or some such thing.
I think the decision had to do with they knew this would be exspensive and an open edition wouldnt change that. Also this is kind of the mt Everest of environments so make it limited.
Yes but if this was made in 2002 it would be 300 or less...fact
If this was 20002 it wouldn't be made ... and that's a fact. :peace

It is a jaw-dropping price tag for sure. Now I have to go off and sell my soul to help pay for it. :dunno
Well at 1K and it is STILL not sold out is enough said.......... :wink1:

Well, C-3PO and R2-D2 PF, $750, Star Wars, Edition Size unknown and still not sold out... enough said....

or, how about the Emperor Palpatine PF, edition size of 1000, even cheaper at $500 and not only is it still in-stock, it's even gift card eligible.

Things cost more, they don't sell out in a couple of hours and there's just so much to choose from now. It's no longer 2002, time to move on.
Well, C-3PO and R2-D2 PF, $750, Star Wars, Edition Size unknown and still not sold out... enough said....

or, how about the Emperor Palpatine PF, edition size of 1000, even cheaper at $500 and not only is it still in-stock, it's even gift card eligible.

Things cost more, they don't sell out in a couple of hours and there's just so much to choose from now. It's no longer 2002, time to move on.

:exactly: This is a grail piece..not a $40 helm. We've known this has been coming for at least 6 months now...I've been setting aside money for well as cutting back on some other items. My dream car is an Audi R8. I can't afford one right now. I don't go onto the Audi website and call them stupid for charging that much and saying it should cost $5,000 when I have no idea the costs involved in the car.
when The Hobbit is released more people will be looking at Weta's site, i'm sure it will sell out by the end of the year. Bag End & Rivendell OE will sell alot more too and they are in the film :)
First off CALM DOWN......



Your defending all Weta is borderline pathetic, S&F SLEEPS with Weta, that forum is VERY biased, if you do not see that then you really have a problem.:lecture

I get it, WE ALL GET IT you love this black $700 tower, you made YOUR point in about 15 or so posts, time to put down the pom-poms and move on fella, it is time. It is you that is pissing on your own parade BTW..... :cuckoo:

Moe you're getting into bad habits again.

If you're going to talk bad about the Shadow and Flame, give it a read and judge for yourself first.
I, and many people here, are members of that board too, and have voiced our disappointment just as vocally as anyone on here. They're just as biased towards Weta as people here are to Sideshow :p

And by continually calling this just a black tower, and hiding behind your emoticons, you're coming off as extremely immature.

This place has seen its fair share of trolls through the years, don't be another :p i know you since the days - hell, if anything, the Weta forums feel more like the LOTRGuide forum than any other forum i've known - , know how passionate you are about collecting, and know you're better than that ;)
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rofl some things never change...

my advise to mr fell beast - say your piece and move on, dont bother responding to the followups, or you will just get worn out.

You cant win against blind fanaticism.
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Alright it's one thing to pick sides (which I think is silly) but lets stay away from name calling.
rofl some things never change...

my advise to mr fell beast - say your piece and move on, dont bother responding to the followups, or you will just get worn out.

You cant win against blind fanaticism.

Advice from someone on the net........:slap :cuckoo:

And for your last comment, you have no idea there fella I NEVER get tired, ask Josh and or Frodoeyes and you wanna make a bet!!!! :wink1: :wink1: :wink1:

Alright it's one thing to pick sides (which I think is silly) but lets stay away from name calling.

Well said.....................
Moe you're getting into bad habits again.

If you're going to talk bad about the Shadow and Flame, give it a read and judge for yourself first.
I, and many people here, are members of that board too, and have voiced our disappointment just as vocally as anyone on here. They're just as biased towards Weta as people here are to Sideshow :p

And by continually calling this just a black tower, and hiding behind your emoticons, you're coming off as extremely immature.

This place has seen its fair share of trolls through the years, don't be another :p i know you since the days - hell, if anything, the Weta forums feel more like the LOTRGuide forum than any other forum i've known - , know how passionate you are about collecting, and know you're better than that ;)

Frodo, agreed BUT I only troll when trolled on, the one who was trolling lost, moved on, you know me better then that, defend only when attacked, some just can not see that what they see as beauty is nothing in others eyes, take it, accept it and move on. I am sorry I have visited the mentioned forum and well, I see it as a copy of this one, no need to see the same thing. "extremely immature" :rotfl dude really, when someone who voices his own opinion then gets trolled calling me ignorant and continues to troll, extremely immature on that one troll, yes I agree, I moved on and no longer read any of the silly posts from poster X yet that one still whines......Some just need to understand not everything they are collecting is everyones treasure....:wink1:

Am I a fan of Weta, well look at my collection and you will know that answer.........YES! Am I a fan of their pre-auth practices, NO. Just because I voice my feelings on something then get slammed, does no mean I do not respect Weta, FAR, FAR from it, I love the items they are putting out now and the partnership with SS was nothing short of amazing, IMHO. I wished they would have never stopped that partnership but it is what it is, I will continue to purchase from both SS and Weta but SS has a edge on the items coming out now, IMO. So no need to jump on someone when they have a different feeling then you, let them say their piece and then move on, no need for "blind fanaticism" with pom-poms.......

Time to move on, this thread is not the place for this, Weta Barad-Dur fans enjoy.....
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:wave i was just reading a few of the posts on the previous pages. is it not possible to be a fan of both Weta and Sideshow?
i'm on the S&F board and have found my fellow LOTR fans to be very welcoming and it's the same on here only Sideshow Freaks covers alot of franchises and i stick to the LOTR thread :gandalf i think i own more Sideshow stuff then Weta :) but with The Hobbit stuff being released that will soon change.
I'm a fan of LOTR and along with SS, WETA, GG and numerous other companies, there has been a lot of good stuff for me to choice from and some not so good stuff.

I haven't seen BD in person as I suspect the vast majority of people here haven't, so the 'high price tag' argument is a hard one to defend or oppose. The PO point is easier to debate as it has happened and affected a lot of people.

So my point is........

When do we get GROND!!! :nana:
I think it will take looooooooong time to sell-out.
My Rivendell shipping box is numbered 475/600 so after all the time since it has been released maybe around 500 or less were sold.

When do we get GROND!!! :nana:

Is Grond the next environment Weta is working on or just guessing?