wo wo wo!!
Why are you getting worried about scale? The new Hobbit statues are the same scale as the old SSW statues, and the new LOTR statues will be the same scale.... they're ALL 1/6 scale. I don't see how there can be any doubt??
I have both the SSW GTG and the Hobbit GTG, and they're exactly the same scale. Infact i have them displayed side-by-side at the moment.
I really don't see what the problem is.
wo wo wo!!
Why are you getting worried about scale? The new Hobbit statues are the same scale as the old SSW statues, and the new LOTR statues will be the same scale.... they're ALL 1/6 scale. I don't see how there can be any doubt??
I have both the SSW GTG and the Hobbit GTG, and they're exactly the same scale. Infact i have them displayed side-by-side at the moment.
I really don't see what the problem is.
wo wo wo!!
Why are you getting worried about scale? The new Hobbit statues are the same scale as the old SSW statues, and the new LOTR statues will be the same scale.... they're ALL 1/6 scale. I don't see how there can be any doubt??
I have both the SSW GTG and the Hobbit GTG, and they're exactly the same scale. Infact i have them displayed side-by-side at the moment.
I really don't see what the problem is.
Forget that rebuying everyone again. It all goes in the same collection and helps create a great look. All you have to do is group them together on shelves.
my collection includes different scales and formats, large and small, statue and bust. who wants exactly the same size when displaying. isn't that boring?
Odd, my impression of the new gandalf is that it is much larger than the old one. Surely someone here has both.
1/6 is not 1/6.5 or 1/7 that is the reality
Olórin posted this image in the "Weta: The Hobbit - Gandalf The Grey" thread and wrote that the old Gandlaf is about an inch shorter than the new one.;
Original post
I think you're on your own with that onehate to say it but the old one looks better. i think it originally sold for around $100 retail.
hate to say it but the old one looks better. i think it originally sold for around $100 retail.