You aren't my wife, are you?

My wife (she gift it for birthday/xmas and it came a "little" late

) asked me the same when I unwrap.
Rivendell is my first LOTR figure. I am a very big fan from the movies. I love the golden/brown colors from the movies Rivendell and from my Vandervelt picture right above. When I first unwrap the sculpture, it was a little dark in the room. The sculpture is flawless. The roofs and buildings were, as I wrote above, a little pallit, the water is less "sparkling" blue than on the homepage (also look
this vs.
this). Disappointed or not enthusiastic are the wrong words.
I know, no sculpture could look so "naturally" and perfect then the movie. I think the pics from the prototype/website are also digitally processed. Under these circumstances the enviroment looks as best as a sculpture could look. I really think it's worth every penny, but I think the picture from the homepage are a little exaggerated.
I've watched it today again in daylight and align it the same as on the vandervelt picture (also a little lamp onto the left) and saw these many similarities (a balcony is missing in the middle house

) between the painting and the sculpture. But, I am happy nowwhen looking to my (and my wifes) most iconic place in middle earth and wait for the white council to complete.
I don't know, if I will adjust one day the water to a more blue.
p.s. do you know were the council of elrond took place in Rivendell?