As I stated before, it's supposed to have two broken horns.
Yes indeed, and there are supposed to be two small horns above each eye. There seems to be a lot of confusion about this.

As I stated before, it's supposed to have two broken horns.
yeah it's been down for two days
once it sells out, im sure the price will go above 1000
If you take care of the box and Styrofoam it is still shippable, but naturally it will be a lot more expensive to get it through 2nd market then now.
Basically, get it now or miss out, unless your wallet is very deep.
Personally I'm still not jumping on this due to the paint jobs in hand being so far below the prototype, there are honestly $20 toy dinosaurs with better shading and toning then what I've seen so far. It seems the factory painters are rushed or something like that. Which if the case is such a shame since the rest of the statue is 10/10 across the board.
Personally I'd rather wait another quarter to get it delivered if that meant the factory could take their time painting such a large and complex piece properly.
If you take care of the box and Styrofoam it is still shippable, but naturally it will be a lot more expensive to get it through 2nd market then now.
Basically, get it now or miss out, unless your wallet is very deep.
Personally I'm still not jumping on this due to the paint jobs in hand being so far below the prototype, there are honestly $20 toy dinosaurs with better shading and toning then what I've seen so far. It seems the factory painters are rushed or something like that. Which if the case is such a shame since the rest of the statue is 10/10 across the board.
Personally I'd rather wait another quarter to get it delivered if that meant the factory could take their time painting such a large and complex piece properly.