Super Freak
Yes, I have both of those dinos and they have great paint jobs. They are also tiny compared to Smaug. You don't have this in hand. It's massive. A large part of the price is just for the piece itself let alone the paint job.
I'm just confused they let their possibly biggest ME release ship with paint jobs clearly below what other releases have compared to their prototypes when they could delay it and/or raise the price another 50-100 to ship out a paint job as stellar as the sculpt, packaging and other top quality efforts that went into this statue.
A larger creature piece is easier to paint well then a smaller one, at this price range it should not be a reasonable train of thought to accept sub par paint jobs just cause of the mass of polystone involved.
Weta uses unlike some others high quality materials throughout for their collectibles so one should not expect their products to be in the cheap range of collectibles when compared to other manufacturers. I honestly think they are the best at what they do for years now.
I'm just confused they let their possibly biggest ME release ship with paint jobs clearly below what other releases have compared to their prototypes when they could delay it and/or raise the price another 50-100 to ship out a paint job as stellar as the sculpt, packaging and other top quality efforts that went into this statue.
As someone who owns this piece I don't know where you're getting this opinion. Maybe a couple people got ones with paint issues but I've seen several including mine that have outstanding paint jobs. Not to be a jerk or anything but you've made it clear here and S&F that you think the paint job is an issue. I do think it's time for you to find something else to talk about. You've beaten that horse pretty good.
I build lots of monster models. I paint lots of monster models. Bigger models do not mean easier paint jobs. If you think that, then you have never painted anything.
I will agree with you that a little washing and dry brushing would have done a world of good. I actually have been thinking about doing that myself but I worry about compromising future value. Some people don't want you to breathe on less it takes away from its authenticity.I'm a painter myself, and a perfectionist. I know the people at Weta are as well, and way better then me. So I just find it strange they don't ask the factory painters to just spend another hour or two on each piece to add in some wash, tones or even dry brushing on appropriate places, it would do so much for a sculpt of this amazing quality.
As someone who owns this piece I don't know where you're getting this opinion. Maybe a couple people got ones with paint issues but I've seen several including mine that have outstanding paint jobs.
Noted, no problem.
I'm a painter myself, and a perfectionist. I know the people at Weta are as well, and way better then me. So I just find it strange they don't ask the factory painters to just spend another hour or two on each piece to add in some wash, tones or even dry brushing on appropriate places, it would do so much for a sculpt of this amazing quality.
When Weta made the 3d model for the statue they even made sure his scales was modeled so they could take several layers of paint without being smothered.
when is march shipment of smaug shipping?
Speaking of shipping, what are the dimensions on the box Smaug arrives in? I saw his cardboard box in the background watching another statue review and it looked MASSIVE, like will just barely fit through your door massive. Out of curiosity, anyone got the measurements?
I for one would like someone to try a repaint of Daddy Smaug. Maybe Rayeknor knows someone at Papo and get it painted by them,or he can let us know (if he buys Daddy Smaug) to paint it himself. I understand the paint app does not match the prototype, and that some pieces missed some layers. I didn't let that stop me from buying Daddy Smaug.