Pork Chop Express
I never drive faster than I can see...
Handy to have a cc for that. Preauth can sometimes hang around for a while too.
When pre-ordering from Weta, you need to have the money available. The bank of New Zealand temporarily (depends on your bank) holds funds for pre-authorization.
So they put a hold on the funds that then drops off and you get charged for real when it is in stock?
Just a thought..is it possible they will produce another Smaug from the third Hobbit film ? Maybe in an attacking pose ?
If they did it would be quite a few years down the road IMO.
So for me, it's going to come down to one of three. Smaug, the Balrog or keeping Azog. I'm not planning on having all three and I'm kinda leaning towards Smaug at the present time.
So for me, it's going to come down to one of three. Smaug, the Balrog or keeping Azog. I'm not planning on having all three and I'm kinda leaning towards Smaug at the present time.
For me Smaug is to dragons what Merlin is to wizards. Even though Gandlaf is way more meaningful to me personally. I hesitate to use the term grail in this hobby but this will definitely be "the" jewel in my collection.
Weta: We are yet to decide on the dates that we will put this item on pre-order. This will most likely be a lot closer to the time that it will be released.
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