Nice! I've got a little video of Smaug blinking. I may upload it for giggles.
I'd say Smaugs base looks almost 20" in diameter comparing it to the Erebor environment behind it.
It was posted a page back, 22" long, 10" tall.
At 22 inches that's the diameter of a normal car tire so it is pretty damn big...
Hey Josh, what do you really think this will be priced at?
I think you mention 1k or possibly higher?
I think probably $750-$850. I could see it reaching 1k but I don't expect it to in all honesty because that's going to be very difficult for most of us to swing since they do not have a flex pay system.
I think probably $750-$850. I could see it reaching 1k but I don't expect it to in all honesty because that's going to be very difficult for most of us to swing since they do not have a flex pay system.
That sounds much better, yah 1k would be steep but I guess we'll see.
Doing my be to forecast the next 6 months of potential pre orders and this is at the top of the list.
It's going to greatly depend on the ES, if that's a 1000, then no way will it sell for $1000. I really can't see them matching the ES of Azog at 500, but not sure if they will go all the way to 1000, possible they may split the difference and make the ES 750, in which case I think a price of closer to $650 to be a little more likely.
I think $699 with ES between 500 and 1000, more close to a 1000 I bet
How do I sign up for their newsletter so I get notified of this preorder announcement? Can't seem to find it on their site...