I received mine. Haven't had a chance to open yet. Excited!
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He is pretty cool.
Decent size.
I do not like how his body is facing one way and his face is another...seems weird for viewing options.
If his body faces you, he is looking away.
If he is look at you, this damn sword is...in the way.
The sword...ok I guess...seems a little over done. Little on the obnoxious side.
The gold paint work is not bad, but do not think it was needed.
I feel a little let down on the detail of his face...but I think this is purely due to have the 1:2 bust, where the facial detail are obviously much more apparent.
They usually box the shipper on this guy? Coming from NZ, the boxed and foam padded the shipper.
The foam insert was barely there on the under/back side, merely held by packaging tape. Other like that?
Overall, do not mind for 300.
Balrog -> Styrofoam -> Art box -> plastic bag -> shipping box -> black foam on all sides, with tape -> Shipping box. How can it get any better?
I am a fan of the piece. I wish I had a tiny Gandalf to put in front. Best 250 spent in this hobby.
He is pretty cool.
Decent size.
I do not like how his body is facing one way and his face is another...seems weird for viewing options.
If his body faces you, he is looking away.
If he is look at you, this damn sword is...in the way.
The sword...ok I guess...seems a little over done. Little on the obnoxious side.
The gold paint work is not bad, but do not think it was needed.
I feel a little let down on the detail of his face...but I think this is purely due to have the 1:2 bust, where the facial detail are obviously much more apparent.
They usually box the shipper on this guy? Coming from NZ, the boxed and foam padded the shipper.
The foam insert was barely there on the under/back side, merely held by packaging tape. Other like that?
Overall, do not mind for 300.
Why would it need a full paint job? ...if the broken tail is the only thing wrong then it does not need a full paint job...I have repaired 2 older grail balrogs for friends...tail and wings repair...black is easily matched up after your tail is properly reattached. ..
How much for 'you' to fix it?
Or how much for 'someone else' to fix it?
local or shipping?