Once again I ask: Has anyone confirmed that the licensing fees are higher or is Weta telling you all that.
No, we have no hard confirmation and never will. No company is going to discuss commercial contract arrangements.
I do remember Tim at Weta saying that making the license deal was the most complex he had ever had to do.
No doubt, as the current 'in thing' the license holders are going to hold out and make as much as they can from the Hobbit over the next few years, while letting LOTR go a bit 'cheaper'.
While the Art prints provide some proof of that, its comparing statues that will be more interesting to see. Even so, the requirements/restrictions, etc within each license line can be very different and very exact, so even comparing statues to statues at different scales, may no be a totally fair comparison.
Would I like it all to be very limited and much cheaper, of course I would, but now days, I'm not expecting it to be. Look at say the new SS Arwen statue, you can't say the development/production work between that and say Thorin or Dwalin would be all that different and yet the prices are much the same. If LOTR license is a bit cheaper then the Hobbit, then they even out pretty much. Having said that, SS started its new LOTR 1/6th scale line with much fan fare, now it's slowed down to a trickle, as has the PF line, while busts and dio's have died.
I'm sure they have high hopes for the Hobbit line, but at the end of the day, I expect a slow death (if you want all 13 dwarfs, your only best bet is going to be Weta) as the money and profits are all in Star Wars/Marvel and DC.