WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread

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Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

I think you'd also mentioned that Athena's bridge uniform is essentially a blue version of the pilot uniform less the jacket. Are you also going to do white versions?

And if you needed an incentive to make female pilots.

The blue bridge unis are basically the colonial warrior outfits minis the jackets with silver/black trim as opposed to gold/black trim. Since we have to have the trim printed, Athenas blue bridge costume would come later on if we did it when we would do Adama and Tigh, and right now we will just get the colonial Warriors out of the way.

White unis will be no problem to offer in and of themselves and would be fun. I just need too see what color their ceremonial trim is. We can only order the trim in bulk, so if it used white and black trim and we had only three people interested in the white, that would be expensive (but still possibly do-able. I would just need to see if there is enough interest to warrent ordering it. And thats if the trim is white and black (memory). If could have been the silver or black

As far as cast, we'll make anyone as long as there is interest. I expect as figures get completed the interest lists will grow as the previous figs are seen around the web. :)

Serina might normally be a long shot but because of her Bond ties I think she'll have interest.

I am terrible with faces so it is always fun seeing the female fighter characters turn up in later episodes when I watch the DVDs when I never realized they showed up ever again.

I can't believe Glen Larson felt the show had too big of a cast and that he needed to pare it down. I think the attention to detail with the large supporting background cast always made the show believable (Doctors, Rising Star waiter, computer guy, security crew, etc). It's not like those background characters NEED their own episodes and were a writing burden. Just having them there all the time made the show believable.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Those Starbuck and Apollo heads don't look bad at all. Being as you said you were making them in Dragon size and then in HT does that mean that option may be available in the future for those of us that would want to keep the size similar throughout the set?
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Those Starbuck and Apollo heads don't look bad at all. Being as you said you were making them in Dragon size and then in HT does that mean that option may be available in the future for those of us that would want to keep the size similar throughout the set?

If the numbers are there to support it. Right now Boomer only has seven people interested in him so far. He hasn't even made the 16 person quota necessary to actually get him made (though we went and made him anyways). If we don't sell at least 16 heads per character, money isn't made. Money needs to be made to support the line. We need that number to pay the sculptors, and printing is very expensive.

I could offer the other Galactica heads at the larger Dragon scale even with low interest if we sold them at a higher price to work in the cost of their separate printing and molding) per head. It would depend how many were in for them. The same method can be used just to offer any character in general in the main HT line, even if there is low interest, just to get them made for our collections.

Also remember, the WGP HT scaled Galactica line is being supported with not only heads but with costumes for the characters we make. When we make Baltar, he will be getting his costume made. Lucifer and Specter will (hopefilly) have light-up heads and costumes. But those are all going to be Hot Toys scale. If we do Borrellian Nomen. Their heads and costumes will be HT size. We have been asked if we will be doing the Colonial winter jackets. If there is interest that would be awesome. Those will be HT size. We are doing the Colonial dress uniforms with the capes. Those will be HT size.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Sorry to be so dense today but when you say HT size are you talking neckless version heads like the USCM Drake, Barney Ross, etc...?
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Sorry to be so dense today but when you say HT size are you talking neckless version heads like the USCM Drake, Barney Ross, etc...?

That's not dense. Thats a smart question I didn't even thinking about clarifying that is important to state. Right now the plan is that they will be necked.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Ahh, ok, that changes everything for me [ and clears up my fear for the line ]
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

With Indy casting, how soon do you think till we see these roll out? Not being impatient, just trying to work financing on both.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Hopefully all the paid preorders are being finished first and sent out. :D
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

With Indy casting, how soon do you think till we see these roll out? Not being impatient, just trying to work financing on both.

Hopefully all the paid preorders are being finished first and sent out. :D

We need to know with peoples Galactica orders what scale they want, Dragon or Hot Toys. Please let us know, (even if it's to add in parentheses on the interest list for future orders).

Since the Dragon heads are printed now, I would like those shipped out as soon as the paid Indys are done. Dorgmal still needs to shorten the Galactica Dragon necks yet.

WGP needs to pay off our massive current printing bill for this last batch untill we can get another batch of heads printed (Apollo, Boomer, and Starbuck at HT size)--- Unless Dorgmal is able to shrink the current heads using hydro-shrink, which I haven't heard back from him yet on how good that works, though since he suggested it, he must like it.

Assuming the Indy heads are good to begin casting this weekend, that means we should be getting a flood of orders in soon which we can use to knock out the printing bill quickly. Ballpark for all three HT scale if printed- two months. If they can be shrunk (iffy), sooner.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

I want everything in HT scale myself (Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, uniforms, helmets, blasters, etc.) just let me know. I'd rather get them right than fast.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Most of my stuff is SS scale, so that works for me.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Thats what I thought ALL WGP heads were to be and thats what I prefer.
I'll go back to sitting by the mailbox waiting for them [and Flash and Kirk(s) and Rand....]
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Thats what I thought ALL WGP heads were to be and thats what I prefer.
I'll go back to sitting by the mailbox waiting for them [and Flash and Kirk(s) and Rand....]

I thought after your last comments you were switching sides! Dragon it is, amigo.

FYI, the default for all of our lines is actually HT, except for lines where there are extenuating circumstances where they can be replacements like Galactica and Star Wars.

Flash is made for the HT caucasian muscled body (as the head has been shown demo-ed on, and that one IS neckless as that body-type demands) .
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

I understood the Flash situation and bought a body to fit him. All the others I thought were to be Dragon style, but if they are HT style with a neck I can make that work.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Hot Toys size for me please
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Just so I'm clear, what is the verdict here? As I understand it Dragon is quite a bit larger than Hot Toys and more along the lines of Sideshow, correct? I know some folks own the current Dragon ones and were planning to do head replacements. But WGP is also producing its own uniforms, correct? So I just want to get whatever scale the uniforms and props are being done in. So will that be HT, Dragon, SS, or what?
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

WGP is producing its own uniforms, correct? So I just want to get whatever scale the uniforms and props are being done in. So will that be HT, Dragon, SS, or what?

The WGP Galactica line is being made at Hot Toys size. We are offering Apollo and Starbuck only in the larger Dragon scale as replacement heads for just those two characters.

All costumes and future heads (Boomer, etc) will only be getting made in HT scale.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

As far as the uniforms go. I know I asked earlier but think it got lost in the shuffle. Will we be able to buy parts of the uniforms separately or as just as a whole? Like could we just buy a jacket or shirt?
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

As far as the uniforms go. I know I asked earlier but think it got lost in the shuffle. Will we be able to buy parts of the uniforms separately or as just as a whole? Like could we just buy a jacket or shirt?

Sets. Ideally you'd want the shirt to be the exact same matching color as the pants and have the matching material. The accessories will be optional/sold separately though.

Right now the Colonial Warrior uniforms and Colonial Warrior ceremonial outfits (with capes) are planned. We will do White Colonial Warrior uniform variants and winter jackets if interest is there.
Re: WGP's Classic Battlestar Galactica thread (TAKING CHARACTER INTEREST LISTS)

Awesome. thanks for the info. I look forward to seeing the pricing for these and a sample.