This was actually played on my local talk radio station and used as a discussion topic for a good hour. This was a conserative AM radio station, so it was a little odd.
There is another hip hop station (kid and reuben were the hosts) and every Friday they would play these sort of messages. Throughout the week, girls would give guys a fake number and all the messages they left (usually drunk as hell after the club) were played for all to enjoy on Friday morning. And many went like this... they'd call drunk and horny and leave a message, call again 10-20 minutes later still drinking still trying to get laid, and call again usually with a lump in their throat ready to start balling (i.e. crying, not screwing), and then call back very angry and cussign the girl out. Hillarious. Guys are pathetic. Sadly, I've pulled the same crap, just not to any of these extremes.