What Dinosauria pieces do you want Sideshow to make?

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You'd have to pack a Marshall statue with a pair of anti-slice gloves. Or band-aids. Lots of band-aids.
You'd have to pack a Marshall statue with a pair of anti-slice gloves. Or band-aids. Lots of band-aids.

And a first aid bag, and styptic pencils, and cauterizing tools, and a nurse with a slight build to pat one on the shoulder every few minutes and say, "Everything is going to be just fine." :)
I think Araki's sauropods might be his most famous works. How do we recommend our favorite paleoartists to Sideshow? I've got a list of like, twenty or so, even if they just oversee the paint job.
On a related topic, Todd Marshall does some excellent paleoart. His Dimetrodon is a personal favorite depiction of mine for this Pelycosaur.

He's also rendered a number of animals we've been discussing. His Spinosaurs are also my favorite artistic renditions of the animals. If SS does S.aegypticus, they would do well to have a look at Todd's work.




And a Sarosuchus that I also enjoy immensely, coupled with an unfortunate Nigersaurus.

The man is a marvel with bringing the animals to life through his work. I sincerely hope SS branches out to all manner of prehistoric fauna and not just dinosaurs, even though dinosaurs alone would provide them with a glut of material.

Awsome art, but are they realistic? Is there evidence to show that Spino and Dimtrodon were really that spiked? I've never seen any depictions quite as high on the "spiky meter:lol" as these.
The ornery style is distinctive of Marshall's personal choices as an artist. Some animals, like Diplodocus, may indeed have rows of neural spines lining the back. Many dinosaurs in fact did have spiny protrusions, but it is not known whether they were naked or carried some sort of fleshy sail-like structure. But the short answer is no, we can't say for certain that these animals looked like this when they were living. That is true of any given reconstruction, though. No matter how close you get, you'll never know for certain.
Looking at this pics - the art looks fantasy like very cartoonish, nothing realistic. I don't think Sideshow would consider these.