I'm not a fan of reissues of recent figures from 3-4 years only because many of those figures had large runs to begin with, it's kind of a slap in the face and takes the air out of collecting, and it seems to be selective based on what's selling for the highest prices in the secondary, not to mention it's mostly Marvel and DC based. However I do think reissuing figures made 5+ years ago is not a bad idea because most of those figures had comparatively low runs and the 1:6 hobby has grown significantly, so I think it will bring in more collectors and improve values in the long run. Also sculpting and production quality has improved quite a bit. I also don't like straight reissues, but improved new versions and line expansions.
My top reissues/expansions would be:
- ROCKY-- I bought these on the secondary for just south of $300+/ea but sold the Ivan Drago due to the ridiculous size and poor sculpt. Rocky (I, II, III, Street clothes, Creed), Apollo (I, III), Clubber Lang (III), Drago (IV), Adonis (Creed) -- regular and fight damaged portraits with better likenesses (although Clubber is quite good), improved bodies at correct size (Apollo/Clubber were good, but Rocky was wrong height and build, Drago was 7' tall scale when character was supposed to be 6'5"). There have been rumors of Blitzway and Storm Toys possibly having this license. It would be great to see these from either company, although would prefer Blitzway if they were to do the full lineup, but the company doesn't have a track record of producing multiple figures in a year.
- TERMINATOR -- chrome diecast T-800 with light-up eyes. T-1000. Expand line with Sara Connor with real hair and Kyle Reece from T1, light-up chrome diecast TX endo from T3, and Cameron with real hair and alt damaged portrait and upper torso from TV series.
- HELLBOY -- with improved body and outfit materials (I never bought this in the secondary because of stories of breakage and flaking pants and wetsuit). Abe Sapien (original head sculpt was too big and body seemed too thick, or maybe Hellboy was too small and thin in upper body). While the characters are about right height wise, I'd prefer Hellboy to be a little taller. Would also like to see Liz, Kroenen, Krauss, Nuadu and Nuala figures.
- EDWARD SCISSORHANDS -- improved likeness, paint and real hair.
- MAN OF STEEL -- not 5+ years old but release was off IMO. Reissue on standard Hot Toys superhero scale (i.e. Reeve Superman and Captain America size). DX version with improved head sculpt, alt portrait with light up heat vision eyes, corrected neckline and cape, and 2nd body with black suit.
- SUPERMAN 1978 -- Brando Jor-El (especially if HT ever decided to do Zod and Ursa, otherwise give up the license)
- POTC -- Davy Jones since the run was pretty small and there's is no way I'd pay $800-$1K. I'd also like to see Barbossa, Will Turner (improved sculpt, rooted hair, correct body type and metal swords--had it sold it), Elizabeth Swann (improved likeness, rooted hair and CotBP Victorian gown--considered the AWE version but sculpt and hair were not great)
- ALIEN/ALIENS-- From Aliens: Dallas and Kane with both space suits and station outfits, + Parker with severed Ash head, Big Chap. From Aliens: New and improved Ripley with real hair separate or with Power Loader; Hicks, Apone, Hudson, Vasquez, Drake + Bishop, Frost and Newt. Improved head sculpts, paint jobs and bodies. Bishop should come with dissected alien an alien in clear jar and extra half body. And of course the long hoped for Alien Queen w/eggs ($750-$800 range max). Would also be cool to see HT do an Alien King concept piece.
- PREDATOR/PREDATORS-- Dutch with improved and correctly sized head sculpt and paint (I have the original but sold the pinhead and had another repainted. Should come with extra gear and weapons to justify re-release. Expand to include Dillon, Blain, Mac and mud-covered Dutch from P1, Harrigan from P2, Isabelle from Predators and a concept She-Predator. Also, I think the sizing might be slightly off for either the Predator or Super Predators (possibly both).
- THE MATRIX -- Yes HT has/had the license. Imagine what they could do now. Expand the line with Neo (I, II), Morpheus (II), Trinity (I, II), Smith, Ghost Twins, Niobe, Persephone, Merovingian). I know those last three are pushing it.
- IRON MAN -- As if there aren't enough. MK-I diecast, MK-V diecast, Hulkbuster diecast (I know it's not released yet, but if they are going to do one I'd like to know before dropping $900 on a regular. I'd rather spend the extra $300-$400 and get the upgrade).
I doubt HT would reissue figures and expand the lines licenses like Matrix, Hellboy, and possibly Alien/s. In which case it would be great if they either let someone else take a crack, opened another division for their b-string licenses, or shared the license with a smaller company and took a cut.