Aliens Hicks
T-800 Endo
Aliens Hicks
T-800 Endo
If we're being serious here (let's be real here, Hot Toys isn't going to do ****), here's what should be revisited.
- Kyle Reese (old one doesn't hold up and they NEVER made the 1984 bum look)
- T1 or T2 Endoskeleton
- regular/clean T2 Arnold, just one more go
- Begins Batman (do that suit right, no lazy one piece rubber suit crap)
- '89 Batman (same as above, do an undersuit with armor overlay, don't be lazy, give him a vault too)
- Nicholson Joker (they still had so many potential unique variants that they could have made, what a waste of likeness rights)
- Reeve Superman/Clark Kent should have been done by now
- Maguire Spider-Man (they could have done a better job, make it from the first two movies)
- Blade (make him Blade I)
- Indiana Jones, way to just drop the ball and abandon the license
- Dutch
- Classic Predator
- Billy
- Hicks
- Apone
- Vasquez
- Hudson
- Drake
- Rambo First blood
- Rambo II
- Rambo III
- Rocky
- Clubber Lang
- Ivan Drago
- Indiana Jones, way to just drop the ball and abandon the license
Totally agree. . They actually made a prototype and looked amazing but it was never released probably because of licensing. .. bummerFirst Class Professor X for sure.
Totally agree. . They actually made a prototype and looked amazing but it was never released probably because of licensing. .. bummer
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Yea I agree... there are some pretty nice third party companies that have some pretty cool near hot toys a utility figures out there but you usually gotta take the chance buying from someone in china and youll be spending the equivalent to HT prices so its really if your willing to take a chance.. toys era has there version of fassbender magneto from days of futures past... I have that figure and its really actually quite nice.. def up there with some hot toys quality figures. Id suggest that option until theres another option.. also there's someone on the board selling a custom magneto from days of future past made by Rise collectible. . Also a very nice interpretation. Ill see if I can find the link againYea that's why I wrote him specifically, ideally I would love if Fassneto, Professor X and their older counterparts were made as well.
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Remember when they were going to do Barbosa and Cannibal Jack with that huge throne, good times.
If we're being serious here (let's be real here, Hot Toys isn't going to do ****), here's what should be revisited.
- Kyle Reese (old one doesn't hold up and they NEVER made the 1984 bum look)
- T1 or T2 Endoskeleton
- regular/clean T2 Arnold, just one more go
- Begins Batman (do that suit right, no lazy one piece rubber suit crap)
- '89 Batman (same as above, do an undersuit with armor overlay, don't be lazy, give him a vault too)
- Nicholson Joker (they still had so many potential unique variants that they could have made, what a waste of likeness rights)
- Reeve Superman/Clark Kent should have been done by now
- Maguire Spider-Man (they could have done a better job, make it from the first two movies)
- Blade (make him Blade I)
- Indiana Jones, way to just drop the ball and abandon the license
- Dutch
- Classic Predator
- Billy
- Hicks
- Apone
- Vasquez
- Hudson
- Drake
- Rambo First blood
- Rambo II
- Rambo III
- Rocky
- Clubber Lang
- Ivan Drago