So I'm confused.. you went to another company and the douche that was making your work life a living hell followed!?
In 1998 I was working as an inspector for a fairly large company. To make a long story short...things went awry, leaders got fired...and our department was left in chaos.
The supervisor that was hired to get things back on track was the single biggest ass clown that walks the Earth. And after I tried to help the guy get adjusted to the Company, the next two years were spent with me defending myself against an almost daily barrage of attacks from this jerk that I tried everything within the system to get rectified to no avail. I eventually felt the necessity to walk away from a company that I was 5 years in to making permanent part of my future.
Now, despite the fact that I am not a vindictive person, I already got a little payback as I am told that my letter of resignation was the straw that broke the camel's back and got him fired. That was not my intent...but I would be telling an untruth if I said I didn't feel some small sense of satisfaction after hearing that. But I don't play that stuff so it is already more than I need.
But I can't ignore the blazing sense of irony that I feel knowing that 12 years later and 350 miles away at a different company...that man is coming to work my subordinate.
Yep. He was my supervisor. I quit and went to an independant inspection co. He got fired. And after 2 or 3 years he ended up at the same company that I am working for.
I have been with these guys for about 12 years. He has like 8 or 9 years with them. But they never put us on the same project before as my boss knew the history and what this guy is like. Now I am the lead inspector on the project that I am currently on and he was forced to send the ass clown due to not having anyone else available.
OK...just wanted to touch bases on this event one more time.
As it turns out...things went pretty much as I hoped. I maintained a calm and fair attitude during the 2 months that I had to work with the *** clown. And he did not let that stop him from making an *** clown of himself.
On 5 different occasions, he stepped so far over the line that he only reiterated to everyone why he should not be depended on to be an independant entity in this situation. And our supervisors have vowed to never let him be lead on a project or do one on his own again. He will be permanently delegated to being a second inspector on a best.
Two of the 5 incidents appeared to be attempts to discredit me. Although the "proof" is not solid, it does point in that direction.
Although nobody is perfect, I am glad he chose to aim his attempts at areas that had thoroughly covered and easily disproved his claims.
The bad...I was able to manage the situation so well that I am afraid he will be made my back shift inspector on the next one of these projects...which will be 10 months long. There have already been hints at that from our supervisors.
Oh...and yes...I did keep a log.
Have you thought about killing him? Seems the best solution.
I know how to poison someone over a relatively short period of time and leave no traces. PM me for details.
Have you thought about killing him?