What horror movie do you WANT to see remade?

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I'm not big on remakes, I usually despise them, but I loved the new Wolfman. Anyone else here up for a Gillman reboot? If Universal did it and stuck with the 50s backdrop, it could work.
I'm not big on remakes, I usually despise them, but I loved the new Wolfman. Anyone else here up for a Gillman reboot? If Universal did it and stuck with the 50s backdrop, it could work.

Considering what they did with him for the little play they're doing at Universal, I hope they never venture into the film genre with a remake. :monkey1
Considering what they did with him for the little play they're doing at Universal, I hope they never venture into the film genre with a remake. :monkey1

Ha! I saw that. We have Beetlejuice's Rock and Roll Graveyard Revue here and Florida, and it's pretty awesome [Wolf Man, Drac, Frank, Bride]. Too bad he's not in it.
I think it would be cool to re-do the Creature from the Black Lagoon as close to the original as possible, same suit, even in black and white but with todays extreme amount of gore.... It would be awesome and hilarious at the same time.
I think it would be cool to re-do the Creature from the Black Lagoon as close to the original as possible, same suit, even in black and white but with todays extreme amount of gore.... It would be awesome and hilarious at the same time.

To me, this is used to compensate for lack of story. If CftBL was originally a slasher, I'd be all for it. It's not, so I'm not. If I'm going to see the latest Friday the 13th flick, or Hatchet II, bring on the brutal kills and gore. However, Universal's old monster movies have a certain romance to them that gets lost when it's diluted in red corn syrup. There certainly are ways to add a bit more to death scenes, but turning it into a Hostel underwater would only tarnish the original.
That's sort of the point though... I just thought it would be funny to see the quaint, romantic B/W style monster attack someone then suddenly their arm gets ripped off.... Extreme gore for laughs kinda thing (think Monty Python: Everything seems normal then MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF BLOOD SPEWING EVERYWHERE)... The Creature is my all time fave Monster, so I definitely don't mean to disrespect the original.
To me, this is used to compensate for lack of story. If CftBL was originally a slasher, I'd be all for it. It's not, so I'm not. If I'm going to see the latest Friday the 13th flick, or Hatchet II, bring on the brutal kills and gore. However, Universal's old monster movies have a certain romance to them that gets lost when it's diluted in red corn syrup. There certainly are ways to add a bit more to death scenes, but turning it into a Hostel underwater would only tarnish the original.

I think Universal already did that with the musical... YIPES:gah:
That's sort of the point though... I just thought it would be funny to see the quaint, romantic B/W style monster attack someone then suddenly their arm gets ripped off.... Extreme gore for laughs kinda thing (think Monty Python: Everything seems normal then MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF BLOOD SPEWING EVERYWHERE)... The Creature is my all time fave Monster, so I definitely don't mean to disrespect the original.

Monty Python is classic humor. That entire concept is lost on todays "buckets of blood and gore" moviemakers. It would result in fail.

I think Universal already did that with the musical... YIPES:gah:

Hence why I want them to steer as far away from remaking CftBL as possible. :monkey1
If Del Toro stays attached to the remake like he was years ago it MIGHT make for a decent movie. He at least "gets" the misunderstood monster concept....
Monty Python is classic humor. That entire concept is lost on todays "buckets of blood and gore" moviemakers. It would result in fail.

Hence why I want them to steer as far away from remaking CftBL as possible. :monkey1

Unless Peter Jackson goes back to his gory roots... he could pull that concept off.
If Del Toro stays attached to the remake like he was years ago it MIGHT make for a decent movie. He at least "gets" the misunderstood monster concept....

Looking forward to his Frankenstein. I do believe this is one of the reasons he bailed on The Hobbit.

Unless Peter Jackson goes back to his gory roots... he could pull that concept off.

Peter Jackson will be out of it for a while considering he picked up directorial duties after Del Toro left, on the aforementioned film.
I realize this movie seems old to people, being 1958--but the film is already in color and its a period piece. It also makes good use of blood and convincing special effects. Why remake it when you will never top Lee and Cushing's performance? What could anyone possibly add to it. Its a perfect film.:lecture

Had kinda forgotten about this thread...

Actually I don't think either performance is that good and despite being a classic of sorts, I do feel the movie looks dated.

I think a more contemporary take on the story, with contemporary sensibilities and movie-making language could give us a very interesting film.

Some very interesting suggestions here.
I would also like to see a remake of CftBL! But I thought there was one in the making? Although I think I heard of that a couple of years ago, so it must be in development hell...
I'd really like to see a remake of Alien, with the creatures looking like the SD Xenomorph in your Avatar, Abake. Definitely new actors since that cast blew. And definitely make Ripley a dude since Weaver's performance was weak as ____. Maybe they could just have the Aliens explode out of their hosts' heads, sending brain matter and torrents of blood gushing aerial spray all over the set, or hell, just let the whole bodies explode, GUTS EVERYWHERE!!!! :rock:rock:rock
I would also like to see a remake of CftBL! But I thought there was one in the making? Although I think I heard of that a couple of years ago, so it must be in development hell...

I think around the time The Wolfman was being made that was the big rumor. There may be a script under way. I'd just like to see what they do with the Gillman. He's already perfect but that's also what I said about the 1941 wolf man...the new wolfman is pretty awesome.
I'd really like to see a remake of Alien, with the creatures looking like the SD Xenomorph in your Avatar, Abake. Definitely new actors since that cast blew. And definitely make Ripley a dude since Weaver's performance was weak as ____. Maybe they could just have the Aliens explode out of their hosts' heads, sending brain matter and torrents of blood gushing aerial spray all over the set, or hell, just let the whole bodies explode, GUTS EVERYWHERE!!!! :rock:rock:rock

Guillermo's Frankenstein is going to be incredible. Trust me. We're all in for one of the best on screen adaptations of the story we could hope for.
I'd really like to see a remake of Alien, with the creatures looking like the SD Xenomorph in your Avatar, Abake. Definitely new actors since that cast blew. And definitely make Ripley a dude since Weaver's performance was weak as ____. Maybe they could just have the Aliens explode out of their hosts' heads, sending brain matter and torrents of blood gushing aerial spray all over the set, or hell, just let the whole bodies explode, GUTS EVERYWHERE!!!! :rock:rock:rock

Exactly. Some things are best left alone. ;)

Not at all... I would have absolutely no problem with a remake of Alien.

If it's good and brings something new/fresh to the story, wonderful! If it sucks and is terrible, who cares? We'll still have the original to go back to.
Maybe it got lost somewhere, but I did mention that I really enjoyed The Horror of Dracula (to use its U.S. title), it's just that I see room for improvement with today's technology and techniques (thespian and otherwise).
Like King Kong. The 1933 movie is a classic, and rightly so. But the acting, camera work, story telling, special effects are all dated. So I was very happy when Jackson announced his remake. Is Jackson's better? No, they're two very different beasts and I enjoy each in its own way.

What I found risible were the things you mentioned.
The SD alien in my avatar? Did anybody ask for a caricature of Lee?
The actors blew and you need to get new ones? Well, at least you're right about getting new ones, the original cast isn't really up for a remake now, are they? (BTW, I didn't say Lee and Cushing "blew", I just stated that I didn't find the acting that great. Not bad, but not great/definitive/unbeatable)
Torrents of blood gushing? Guts everywhere? Sounds pretty much like the chest-burster scene, which I find very effective and disturbing even today. But I'm not a big fan of splatter or gore porn, so I'd never make that a priority. Whatever.

Anyway, the thread is about expressing which movies you'd like to see remade, not what movies you wouldn't want to see remade.
Not at all... I would have absolutely no problem with a remake of Alien.

If it's good and brings something new/fresh to the story, wonderful! If it sucks and is terrible, who cares? We'll still have the original to go back to.
Maybe it got lost somewhere, but I did mention that I really enjoyed The Horror of Dracula (to use its U.S. title), it's just that I see room for improvement with today's technology and techniques (thespian and otherwise).
Like King Kong. The 1933 movie is a classic, and rightly so. But the acting, camera work, story telling, special effects are all dated. So I was very happy when Jackson announced his remake. Is Jackson's better? No, they're two very different beasts and I enjoy each in its own way.

What I found risible were the things you mentioned.
The SD alien in my avatar? Did anybody ask for a caricature of Lee?
The actors blew and you need to get new ones? Well, at least you're right about getting new ones, the original cast isn't really up for a remake now, are they? (BTW, I didn't say Lee and Cushing "blew", I just stated that I didn't find the acting that great. Not bad, but not great/definitive/unbeatable)
Torrents of blood gushing? Guts everywhere? Sounds pretty much like the chest-burster scene, which I find very effective and disturbing even today. But I'm not a big fan of splatter or gore porn, so I'd never make that a priority. Whatever.

Anyway, the thread is about expressing which movies you'd like to see remade, not what movies you wouldn't want to see remade.

I think he may have actually just been ribbing me and people who greenlight remakes in general:wink1:
Anyone touches Alien and the whole camp goes.
